Lexis Rex ホーム

止める  は英語で
to quit


     1. v. (ja-vp, 止める, 止まる, とめる, とまる)
     2. v. to stop
           車を止める - to stop one's car
           攻撃を止めない - to not stop one's attacks
           自動%更新を止める - to stop an update
     3. v. to focus on
     4. v. to bear in mind
     5. v. to set in place
     6. v. to park
     7. v. (calligraphy) to write as a thrown stroke to the bottom right ()
           (cot, ja, 払う)
     8. v. (ja-vp, 止める, 止む, やめる, やむ)
     9. v. to stop, to terminate, to cease, to discontinue, to quit
           タバコを止めるのは大変です。 - Quitting smoking is difficult.
           やめろ。/やめてください。 - command, polite / Stop it. q, command, polite
           仕事を辞める - to quit one's job
     10. v. to abolish, to do away with
     11. v. Usage: * Usually written in hiragana, as やめる.
     12. v. Usage: * The sense "to quit a job" uses the homonym 辞める.
     13. v. (ja-vp, 止める, 止まる, とどめる, とどまる)
     14. v. alternative form of ja 留める


