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Chinese Vocabulary: Actions

English Simplified Pinyin Pronounce Images
to bend wānpronunciation弯
to blink 眨眼zhǎ yǎnpronunciation眨眼
to cough 咳嗽ké sòupronunciation咳嗽
to cross your arms 交叉双臂jiāo chā shuāng bìpronunciation交叉双臂
to cry pronunciation哭
to dance 跳舞tiào wǔpronunciation跳舞
to drink pronunciation喝
to eat chīpronunciation吃
to grip 紧握jǐn wòpronunciation紧握
to hit pronunciation打
to hold pronunciation握
to kick pronunciation踢
to kneel guìpronunciation跪
to laugh 大笑dà xiàopronunciation大笑
to lick tiǎnpronunciation舔
to listen tīngpronunciation听
to look kànpronunciation看
to nod 点头diǎn tóupronunciation点头
to point zhǐpronunciation指
to pull pronunciation拉
to punch 拳击quán jīpronunciation拳击
to push tuīpronunciation推
to rub 揉搓róu cuopronunciation揉搓
to run pǎopronunciation跑
to scream 尖叫jiān jiàopronunciation尖叫
to shake yáopronunciation摇
to shake hands 握手wò shǒupronunciation握手
to shake your head 摇头yáo tóupronunciation摇头
to shout hǎnpronunciation喊
to shrug 耸肩sǒng jiānpronunciation耸肩
to sing chàngpronunciation唱
to sit zuòpronunciation坐
to slap 拍击pāi jīpronunciation拍击
to smell wénpronunciation闻
to smile 微笑wēi xiàopronunciation微笑
to sneeze 打喷嚏dǎ pēn tìpronunciation打喷嚏
to stand zhànpronunciation站
to stretch 拉伸lā shēnpronunciation拉伸
to swallow tūnpronunciation吞
to swim 游泳yóu yǒngpronunciation游泳
to talk 说话shuō huàpronunciation说话
to taste chángpronunciation尝
to touch pèngpronunciation碰
to turn zhuǎnpronunciation转
to walk zǒupronunciation走
to wave 挥手huī shǒupronunciation挥手
to whisper 私语sī yǔpronunciation私语
to wink 使眼色shǐ yǎn sèpronunciation使眼色
to yawn 打哈欠dǎ hā qiànpronunciation打哈欠
to clean 清洗qīngxǐ清洗
to wipe 擦
to breathe 呼吸hūxī呼吸
to read pronunciation读
to fall luò落
to drive 开车kāichē开车
to cut qiē切
to sew féng縫

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