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The French word for to look is

French Definition

     1. v. Regarder.
           I'm just looking.
           Je ne fais que regarder.
           Look how big that building is.
           Regardez comme ce bâtiment est grand.
           Look at me when I speak!
           Regarde-moi quand je parle !
     2. v. Paraître, sembler, avoir l'air de.
           He looks honest, but is he really?
           Il a l'air honnête, mais l'est-il vraiment ?
     3. n. Air, mine.
           He has the look of someone who is guilty.
           Il a la mine de quelqu'un qui est coupable.
     4. n. Air, allure, apparence, aspect.
           That is the look that will be in all the fashion magazines next month.
           C'est l'allure qui sera dans tous les magazines de mode le mois prochain.
     5. n. Regard.
           He gave me a strange look.
           Il m'a lancé un regard étrange.

Translations for look and their definitions

     1. v. to look at
           Tu regardes quoi ? - What are you looking at?
     2. v. to watch
           Je regarde un film à la TV si ça t'intéresse. - I'm watching a film on TV if you're interested.
     3. v. to face
     4. v. to concern (be associated with)

     1. v. to seem, to resemble
           Il semblerait qu'il y ait des différences significatives entre les deux groupes. - There would seem to be significant differences between the two groups.
     2. v. to appear

donner sur
     1. v. to look out onto
           La fenêtre donne sur un jardin. - The window looks out onto a garden.

     1. v. to appear (become visible)
           L'acteur parut sur l'écran. - The actor appeared on screen.
     2. v. to be published
           Ce texte est paru il y a longtemps. - This text was published long ago.
           Le livre paraîtra en août. - The book will be published in August.
     3. v. to appear, to seem
           Il paraît avoir 40 ans. - He seems forty (years old).
     4. v. (impersonal, with que) to be said that, to be rumored that
           Il paraît que le vaccin fonctionne très bien. - It is said that that the vaccine works very well.
     5. n-m. appearance

avoir l'air
     1. v. to seem, look, appear
           en avoir tout l'air - to seem like it
           sans en avoir l'air - without seeming like it
           n'avoir l'air de rien - to not seem like much
           Ce mec a l'air fort. - This guy looks strong.
           Ils ont l'air de s'aimer. - They look like they love each other.
           Elle avait l'air d'un ange. - She seemed like an angel.

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