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The Irish word for key is


Translations for key and their definitions

     1. n-f. key
           An bhfuil eochair an tí agat? - Do you have the house key?
     2. n-f. (music) key; clef
     3. n-f. brim, brink, edge, border
     4. n-f. Alternative form of eochraí, t=spawn, fish roe

     1. n-m. button
     2. n-m. bead
     3. n-m. stud
     4. n-m. (computing) button or key on a keyboard

     1. n-m. Alternative form of caoth, t=boghole, swamp-hole; ditch

     1. n-m. device, appliance, apparatus, contraption, contrivance, instrument, machine, utensil
     2. n-m. measure (action to achieve some purpose)
     3. n-m. apparel
     4. n-m. gear (equipment, paraphernalia)
     5. n-m. (music) key
     6. n-m. (fishing) tackle
     7. n-m. (vulgar) cock, dick (penis)
     8. n-m. (vulgar, pejorative) asshole, dickhead, wanker
     9. v. adjust, arrange
     10. v.          fit out, equip
     11. v.          dress, array
     12. v.          prepare, make ready
     13. n-m. sheen, gloss, polish

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