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The Norwegian word for bright is


Translations for bright and their definitions

     1. adj. light (not dark)
     2. adj. (hair) fair, blonde
     3. adj. (skin) fair
     4. adj. bright (e.g. person)
           en lys idé - a bright idea
     5. adv. light (in colour)
           lys blå - light blue (blå) being an adjective; however it can also be written as a compound: m (blå) being an adjective; however it can also be written as a compound: m
     6. n. light
           se dagens lys - see the light of day (be born, begin to exist)
     7. n. a light
           levende lys, stearinlys - a candle
     8. v. imperative of lyse

     1. adj. lively

     1. adj. happy, glad

     1. adj. gay, lively, merry, mirthful
           De lystige koner i Windsor - The Merry Wives of Windsor (William Shakespeare) (William Shakespeare)

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