The Ancient Greek word for eye is
Translations for eye and their definitions
τρῆμα | |
1. n. hole, aperture, perforation |
ὀφθαλμός | |
1. n. eye | |
2. n. sight | |
3. n. understanding | |
4. n. that which is dearest or best | |
5. n. the bud of a plant (such as the eye of a potato) |
ὄμμα | |
1. n. (chiefly poetic) (l, eye) | |
2. n. the eye of i.e. the sun | |
3. n. (generally) (l, light) | |
4. n. # (metaphorically) that which brings light | |
5. n. # (metaphorically) anything or precious, (as) the apple of an eye | |
6. n. the or human form | |
7. n. an eye-hole (in a helmet) |
ὤψ | |
1. n. (topics, grc, Face) (the phrase εἰς ὦπα, in Homer and Hesiod) to the eye; (possibly) in the face | |
αἰνῶς ἀθανάτῃσι θεῇς εἰς ὦπα ἔοικεν - To the eye or in her face she looks astonishingly like the immortal goddesses. | |
2. n. (rarely in other forms) eye | |
Σωκράτης ὁ μὲν ‘μεὶς’ ἀπὸ τοῦ μειοῦσθαι εἴη ἂν ‘μείης’ ὀρθῶς κεκλημένος, τὰ δ᾽ ‘ἄστρα’ ἔοικε τῆς ἀστραπῆς ἐπωνυμίαν ἔχειν. ἡ δὲ ‘ἀστραπή,’ ὅτι τὰ ὦπα ἀναστρέφει, ‘ἀναστρωπὴ’ ἂν εἴη, νῦν |
ὄσσε | |
1. n. eyes |
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