Arabic Word of the Day
م | ت |
m | t |

Arabic > English |
تم |
1. v. to be fulfilled, to be completed |
2. v. to come about, to happen |
3. v. to take place |
4. v. to persist (in) (with (m, ar, عَلَى)) |
5. v. to continue (something) (with (m, ar, عَلَى)) |
6. n. verbal noun of تَمَّ (form I) |
Review previous words
مِرْآة | تِسْعَة وَسَبْعُون | سِتَّة وَسَبْعُون | رِئَة |
رَفِيع | ضَرَبَ | أَرْبَعَة وَأَرْبَعُون | حَبَّار |
مزارع | تم | رِجْل | تِسْعُونَ |
زَيّ | كُمّ | سَبْعَة وَأَرْبَعُون | بَازِلَّاء |
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