Lexis Rex

The word for apel in Bahasa Inggris is



     1. n. apple, Malus domestica.
     2. n. (military) roll call
           Panglima Komando Daerah didampingi Kepala Kepolisian Daerah memimpin apel gelar pasukan pengamanan dalam rangka mengamankan kunjungan kerja wakil presiden. - The Commander of the Regional Comma
     3. n. sub-village chief.
     4. n. (legal) appeal: an application for the removal of a cause or suit from an inferior to a superior judge or court for re-examination or review.
           ...dalam praktik “Raden van Justitie” dalam apel, tidak mengharuskan kepada hakim banding untuk meninjau.... - In Raden van Justitie practice in appeal, appellate judge was not obligated to con
     5. v. to do a roll call in a ceremony formation.
     6. v. (colloquial) to visit girlfriend (usually in girlfriend house) for a date.
           Malam Minggu Pukul Tujuh Aku Apel Di Rumah Mu - Saturday night at seven o'clock I come for a date to your house.
           ...dan bisa apel di Pengadilan Tinggi. - ...and one can appeal at High Court.), page 89


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