Basque Word of the Day
Basque > English |
ordu |
1. n. hour |
Example Sentences
"Zer ordu da orain?" "3:30ak dira." "What time is it now?" "It's 3:30." Barkatu, Zer ordu da? Excuse me, what time is it? "Zer ordu da?" "3:20ak dira." "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." Etxean egongo naiz ordu betean. I'll be home in about an hour. "Zer ordu da?" "Hamar eta erdiak dira." "What time is it?" "It is ten-thirty." |
Review previous words
ordu | intsektu | labar | otso |
hirurogeita bederatzi | ordenagailu | aharrausi egin | tximistargi |
odol | berrogeita lau | ehun | abesti |
belarri | zuri | zur | lore |
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