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The Basque word for to walk is

to walk

Translations for to walk and their definitions

     1. v. to walk
           Gizon hori azkar dabil. - That man walks quickly.
     2. v. to ride (a horse)
     3. v. to be
           Haserre dabil. - He/she's angry
           Nor dabil hor? - Who's there
     4. v. to work, function
           Nire irratia ez dabil ondo. - My radio doesn't work well.
     5. v. to attend
     6. v. to blow (wind)
     7. v. to move, go, drive
           Auto asko ibiltzen dira leku horretan. - There are a lot of cars driving along that route.
     8. v. to go out with, date
           Atzo Mikel neska batekin zebilen. - Yesterday, Mikel went out with a girl.

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