The Bulgarian word for bear is

Translations for bear and their definitions
мечок | |
1. n. male bear |
издържам | |
1. to bear | |
2. to endure |
нося | |
1. v. to carry | |
2. v. to wear | |
3. v. to bring | |
4. v. to bear (responsibility, blame) | |
5. v. to support (a load) | |
6. v. to lay (eggs) | |
7. v. to carry, to be pregnant with (offspring) | |
8. v. to move quickly | |
9. v. to drift, to waft, to float | |
10. v. to be heard | |
11. v. to spread (i, of news or rumors) | |
12. v. to dress (i, a certain way) |
мечка | |
1. n. (zoology) female equivalent of мечо́к: bear (usually a female one), she-bear |
понасям | |
1. to bear | |
2. to endure, to tolerate |
пренасям | |
1. v. to carry, to transfer, to convey, to shift, to carry over, to ferry, to transmit, to spread, to hump, to cart | |
2. v. to carry away, to transport |
раждам | |
1. v. (intransitive) to give birth, to bear | |
2. v. to be born |
давам | ![]() | |
1. v. (ditransitive) to give | ||
Ще ти дам книгата. - I will give you the book. | ||
2. v. (ditransitive) to let, to allow | ||
Родителите ми не ми дават да ходя на кино. - My parents don't let me go to the cinema. | ||
3. v. to produce, to yield, to bear | ||
Кравите дават мляко. - Cows give milk. | ||
4. v. to present in public performance, to give | ||
Давам концерт. - To give a concert. | ||
5. v. to provide, as, a service or a broadcast, to show, to be on | ||
Вече не дават любимото ми предаване. - They no longer show my favourite programme. | ||
Дават новините. - The news is on. | ||
6. v. (ditransitive) to fix, to set | ||
Учителката даде на учениците си задача да нарисуват ходило. - The teacher set her students the task of drawing a foot. | ||
Давам срок - to set a time limit | ||
Давам тон - to set the tone | ||
7. v. (ditransitive) to estimate or predict (a duration or probability for something), to give | ||
Давам му десет минути преди да се откаже. - I give it ten minutes before he gives up. |
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