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The Bulgarian word for bear is


Translations for bear and their definitions

     1. n. male bear

     1. to bear
     2. to endure

     1. v. to carry
     2. v. to wear
     3. v. to bring
     4. v. to bear (responsibility, blame)
     5. v. to support (a load)
     6. v. to lay (eggs)
     7. v. to carry, to be pregnant with (offspring)
     8. v. to move quickly
     9. v. to drift, to waft, to float
     10. v. to be heard
     11. v. to spread (i, of news or rumors)
     12. v. to dress (i, a certain way)

     1. n. (zoology) female equivalent of мечо́к: bear (usually a female one), she-bear

     1. to bear
     2. to endure, to tolerate

     1. v. to carry, to transfer, to convey, to shift, to carry over, to ferry, to transmit, to spread, to hump, to cart
     2. v. to carry away, to transport

     1. v. (intransitive) to give birth, to bear
     2. v. to be born

давам ©
     1. v. (ditransitive) to give
           Ще ти дам книгата. - I will give you the book.
     2. v. (ditransitive) to let, to allow
           Родителите ми не ми дават да ходя на кино. - My parents don't let me go to the cinema.
     3. v. to produce, to yield, to bear
           Кравите дават мляко. - Cows give milk.
     4. v. to present in public performance, to give
           Давам концерт. - To give a concert.
     5. v. to provide, as, a service or a broadcast, to show, to be on
           Вече не дават любимото ми предаване. - They no longer show my favourite programme.
           Дават новините. - The news is on.
     6. v. (ditransitive) to fix, to set
           Учителката даде на учениците си задача да нарисуват ходило. - The teacher set her students the task of drawing a foot.
           Давам срок - to set a time limit
           Давам тон - to set the tone
     7. v. (ditransitive) to estimate or predict (a duration or probability for something), to give
           Давам му десет минути преди да се откаже. - I give it ten minutes before he gives up.

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