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The Bulgarian word for to hit is

to hit

Translations for to hit and their definitions

     1. to hit

     1. n. hit, blow, clout, stroke, punch
     2. n. percussion
     3. n. jab, jar, back-hander, buffet, cuff
     4. n. stab, cut, chop, lash, slash
     5. n. (music) touch
     6. n. beat, throb
     7. n. attack
     8. n. (medicine) stroke, seizure, apoplexy

     1. v. to beat, to hit, to strike
     2. v. to affix, to attach
     3. v. to chime, to ring (i, of a bell or clock)
     4. v. (colloquial) to leave, to set out
     5. v. (colloquial) to gulp down
     6. v. to start (doing something), to resort to (doing something)
     7. v. to hit, to strike

     1. to astound
     2. to dazzle

     1. v. to beat, to thrash (to hit repeatedly)
           В сиропиталището децата са били редовно бити. - At the orphanage the children were regularly beaten.
           Дъждът биеше по прозорците. - The rain was beating against the windows.
     2. v. to shoot (to hunt and kill animals)
     3. v. (intransitive) to fire, to shell (to shoot at)
     4. v. to beat, to ring, to throb (to strike or pound repeatedly, usually in some sort of rhythm)
           бия барабани - to beat drums
           Сърцето му все още бие. - His heart is still beating.
           Църковните камбани биха на Коледа. - The church bells rang at Christmas.
     5. v. to whip, to whisk, to churn (to mix food in a rapid aerating fashion)
           бия белтъци - to whisk egg whites
           бия мляко, за да направя масло - to churn milk in order to make butter
     6. v. to strike (to hit or kick a ball)
           бия наказателен удар - to perform a penalty kick
     7. v. to beat, to win (to defeat somebody)
           Той ме би на шах. - He beat me at chess.
           Ян с лекота би Джон на тенис. - Jan had little trouble beating John in tennis.
     8. v. (intransitive) to try to say something in an indirect way
           Не разбирам на къде биеш. - I don't know what you're driving at.
     9. v. (intransitive, of a colour) to have a particular tint
           нещо бие на синьо - something has a bluish tint
     10. v. (intransitive) to shine very brightly and unpleasantly, blindingly
           Лампата бие в очите ми. - The lamp is shining in my eyes blinding me.

     1. v. to encounter (to meet someone by accident)
           Срещнах я на гарата. - I met her at the station.

     1. v. to visit, to call on, to drop by, to drop in
           Бях в градината, целият в кал, когато баба ми дойде да ме навести. - I was in the garden covered with mud when my grandmother dropped in for a visit.

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