280 |
kommet |
1. v. past participle of komme |
komme |
1. v. come |
2. v. get |
3. v. arrive |
4. v. put |
281 |
rolig |
1. adj. calm, quiet |
282 |
hvilken |
1. pron. (interrogative) what, which, the |
2. pron. (relative) who, whom, which, whatever, whichever |
283 |
bil |
1. n. car, automobile |
284 |
skyld |
1. n. fault |
2. n. blame |
3. n. guilt (responsibility for wrongdoing), fault (responsibility for a mistake) |
Der var ingen tvivl om den anklagedes skyld. |
There was no doubt about the accused’s guilt. |
285 |
familie |
1. n. family (father, mother and their sons and daughters) |
2. n. family (group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom) |
3. n. family (kin, tribe) |
4. n. (taxonomy) family (rank in a taxonomic classification, above both genus and species; taxon at this rank) |
286 |
sagt |
1. v. past participle of sige |
sige |
1. v. say |
2. v. tell |
3. v. mean |
287 |
kvinde |
1. n. A woman. |
288 |
hørt |
1. v. past participle of høre |
2. interj. hear, hear |
høre |
1. v. hear |
2. v. listen |
3. v. learn |
4. v. test, examine |
5. v. call on |
289 |
fire |
1. v. to lower, to let down |
2. v. to slacken, to ease |
290 |
venter |
1. v. present tense of vente |
vente |
1. v. wait |
2. v. expect |
3. v. await |
291 |
hører |
1. v. present tense of høre |
høre |
1. v. hear |
2. v. listen |
3. v. learn |
4. v. test, examine |
5. v. call on |
292 |
vejen |
1. n. singular definite of vej |
vej |
1. n. road (strip of land made suitable for travel, the path or route one takes) |
2. n. way |
3. n. route |
4. v. imperative of veje |
293 |
dræbe |
1. v. kill |
294 |
dreng |
© |
1. n. boy, lad |
295 |
hvornår |
1. adv. when (at what time) |
296 |
fortæl |
1. v. imperative of fortælle |
297 |
arbejder |
1. n. worker |
2. n. workman |
3. n. laborer, labourer |
4. n. plural indefinite of arbejde |
5. v. present tense of arbejde |
arbejde |
1. n. work (labour, employment, occupation, job) |
2. n. (physics) work (a measure of energy expended in moving an object; most commonly, force times distance) |
3. n. work (effort expended on a particular task) |
4. v. work, to do a specific task (Generally for money) |
298 |
dør |
© |
1. n. door |
2. v. present tense of dø |
dø |
1. v. die |
299 |
frem |
1. adv. forward; toward |