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2000 משך
     1. n. extent, durationméshekh
     2. v. To pull.mashákh
     3. v. To stretch, to extend.
2001 בריאה
     1. n. creation, the act of creationb'ri'á
     2. adj. feminine singular indefinite form of בָּרִיא (barí).
2002 זוהר
     1. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of זָהַרzohér
     2. adj. shiny
     3. n. radiance, brightness, glowzóhar
2003 טניס
     1. n. tennis (sport)ténis
2004 עקשן
     1. adj. obstinate, persistent, stubborn, tenacious
2005 מסטיק
     1. n. right
     2. n. chewing gummástik
     3. n. mastic
2006 כינוי
     1. n. alternative name, nicknamekinúi
     2. n. (grammar) pronoun
2007 תפוחי
     1. n. of sc=Hebr Plural construct form: (the) apples of.: (the) apples of.tapuché
2008 שיטה
     1. n. systemshitá
2009 חמאה
     1. n. butterkhem'á
2010 בטיחות
     1. n. safetybe'ti'hut
2011 הללויה
     1. Phrase. Praise Godhal'luyáh
2012 תפילה
     1. n. Prayer: the act of praying, especially to G-d, as in supplication, or in gratitude.t'filá
     2. n. A prayer: a passage that is read or uttered in prayer.
     3. n. A service, a prayer service.
     4. n. (Jewish law, specifically) The Amidah.
2013 ממשלת
     1. n. construct form of מֶמְשָׁלָהmemshélet
2014 חביבי
     1. n. Darling: a term of endearment.khabíbi
2015 המבורגר
     1. n. hamburger (sandwich)hámburger
2016 אבות
     1. n. plural indefinite form of אב (av)avót
     2. n. plural indefinite form of אבה
2017 קט
     1. adj. (literary) tiny
2018 צפה
     1. v. to watch; to view; to observetsafá
           את רוצה לצפות איתי בסרט? (at rotsa litspot iti beseret?) - Do you want to watch a film with me?
2019 חתימה
     1. n. signaturekhatima
     2. n. autograph
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