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2060 חדרי
     1. n. plural construct form of חֶדֶרkhadré
2061 חשמלי
     1. adj. Electric, electrical: of or pertaining to electricity.khashmalí
           זרם חשמלי (zérem khashmalí) - electric current
           מטען חשמלי (mit'án khashmalí) - electric charge
           פוטנציאל חשמלי (potentsiál khashmalí) - electric potential
           מעגל חשמלי (ma'agál khashmalí) - electric circuit
2062 כתיבה
     1. n. writing‏‏‏‏ (the process of representing a language with symbols or letters).ktivá
2063 מדרגה
     1. n. A step.madregá
     2. n. qualifier, only the plural form מ: stairs, stairway.
2064 זמר
     1. n. singerzamár
     2. n. song, singing, especially traditional and popular Hebrew songs.zémer
     3. v. to prune, especially a grapevinezamár
2065 סוני
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, wv=סוּנִי, tr=suni)
     2. adj. Sunni
2066 עז
     1. adj. strong, vehement, harsh: - fierce, + greedy, mighty, power, roughly, strong.áz
     2. n. a (female) goatéz
2067 פינה
     1. n. cornerpiná
     2. v. To clear (an area or space of someone or something).
           מתי פינית את השולחן? (matái pinít(a) ét hashulkhán?) - When did you clear the table?
2068 התרחש
     1. v. To occur, to happen, to take place.hitrakhésh
2069 קבורה
     1. n. burialk'vura
2070 בולט
     1. adj. Protruding.
     2. adj. Conspicuous.
     3. adj. Prominent.
2071 דיבור
     1. n. Speech, speaking.dibúr
     2. n. An act of speaking.
     3. n. (colloquial chiefly plural) babble, chatter
2072 נפצע
     1. v. To be injured, to get hurt: to receive an injury, to become injured.niftsá'
2073 סינית
     1. adj. feminine singular indefinite form of סִינִי (síni).sínit
     2. n. Feminine singular indefinite form of סִינִי (síni).
2074 קללה
     1. n. cursek'lalá
     2. n. misfortune
2075 הוביל
     1. v. To lead (a person): to guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection.hovíl
     2. v. To lead (a group), to conduct (a ceremony): to be a leader of or in.
     3. v. To lead (to): to cause.
           הוביל לשינוי גדול. (hovíl l'shinúi gadól.) - It led to a big change.
     4. v. To transport: to carry from one place to another.
2076 לימון
     1. n. lemonlimón
2077 עבדים
     1. n. plural of עֶבֶדavadím
2078 יעמוד
     1. v. third-person masculine singular future tense (prefix conjugation) form of עמדya'amód
2079 פרויקט
     1. n. A project.proyékt
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