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2100 הוראה
     1. n. teaching, instruction (occupation, profession(,) or work)hora'á
           היא לומדת הוראה. - She's learning teaching.
           אני לא אוהב את סגנון ההוראה שלו. - I don't like his teaching style.
           הוראת המקצוע יכולה להשתפר. - The teaching of the subject can improve.
     2. n. (, often, in plual) instruction
2101 מלאכים
     1. n. plural of מַלְאָךְmal'achim
2102 מפגש
     1. n. A gathering, meet-up, convention: a pre-planned meeting of members of an organization, party, movement, or the like.mifgásh
2103 נמר
     1. n. leopardnamér
     2. n. (slang) tiger
2104 דורות
     1. n. plural of דּוֹר: generations.dorót
2105 קוסם
     1. n. magician (practitioner of allegedly supernatural magic)kosém
2106 כלה
     1. n. A bride.kalá
     2. n. A daughter-in-law.
     3. v. (flowery) to be finished, to be over, to be done, to be completed
     4. v. (flowery) to have run out
2107 אציל
     1. adj. noble, aristocraticatsíl
     2. adj. refined, honourable
     3. n. a noble, a member of the nobility.
     4. n. (flowery) armpit, elbowatzil
2108 גנבו
     1. v. third-person plural past of גָּנַבganvu
2109 ף
     1. Letter. The letter פ (pe) used in a final position
2110 ריס
     1. n. eyelashris
2111 סערה
     1. n. stormseara
2112 תרנגול
     1. n. chicken (animal), either male or of unspecified gendertarnegól
2113 רווק
     1. n. bachelor, an unmarried man; a single manravák
2114 התפוצץ
     1. v. (intransitive) To explode.hitpotséts
     2. v. Often used figuratively.
           התפוצצתי מצחוק. (hitpotzátzti mitzkhók.) - I almost laughed to death. (literally, I exploded of laughter.)
2115 דגל
     1. n. flagdégel
2116 סטודנט
     1. n. A (male) student (in a college, university, or other institute of higher education).studént
2117 חוצפה
     1. n. chutzpah; audacitykhutspa
2118 רבי
     1. n. rabbi, spiritual teacherrabí
2119 מיכל
     1. n. containermeikhal
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