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360 חמש
     1. num. five (5)khamésh
361 צודק
     1. adj. just, fairtsodék
     2. adj. correct, right
     3. adj. justified, sound, reasonable
     4. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of צָדַק
362 שלושה
     1. num. threeshloshá
363 ליד
     1. prep. Near, by, near to, next to, adjacent to, alongside.l'yád-
     2. prep. Near, nearby, next, adjacent, alongside.l'yád
364 לחיות
     1. v. to-infinitive of חַי (kháy).likhyót
365 קרוב
     1. adj. Close, near.
     2. adj. Coming, upcoming.
     3. adv. Close, near.karóv
     4. n. A (male) relative, a (male) family member.
366 רב
     1. adj. Many, much.
     2. adj. Great.
     3. adj. Enough: more than is needed.
     4. n. A rabbi.ráv
     5. v. To multiply, to become many.
367 נגמר
     1. v. (intransitive) to end, to be overnigmár
           הַסֶרֶט כְּבָר נִגְמַר? (haséret k'vár nigmár?) - literally Has the movie already ended? — idiomatically Is the movie already over?
     2. v. (intransitive) to run out
           יִגָּמֵר הַדְּיוֹ בַּמַּדְפֶּסֶת שֶׁלִּי בְּעוֹד שָׁבוּעַ (yigamér ha-dyó ba-madpéset šelí be-'ód šavúa') - The ink in my printer will run out in a week
368 תא
     1. n. cellta
     2. n. (biology) cell (basic unit of an organism)
     3. n. cubicle
369 יוצא
     1. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of יָצָא (yatsá).yotsé
370 קל
     1. adj. light (of low weight)
     2. adj. light (of low importance)
     3. adj. easy (not difficult)
     4. v. to abate, lessenkál
371 מעט
     1. adv. few (not much)m'át
372 חי
     1. adj. alive; hence raw (flesh); fresh (plant, water, year), strong; also (as noun, especially in the feminine singular and masculine plural) life (or living thing), whether literally or figuratively: - + agkháy
     2. adj. living, live
     3. adj. lively
     4. v. to live
373 חצי
     1. n. halfkhétsi
374 נעים
     1. adj. nice, pleasantna'ím
375 נשים
     1. n. womennashím
     2. v. first-person plural future tense (prefix conjugation) of שָׂם (sám).nasím
376 שעה
     1. n. An hour: a period of time, defined variously (depending on time period, and on religious versus secular purposes), but currently usually sixty minutes.sha'á
377 נגד
     1. v. (obsolete) to opposenagád
     2. n. warrant officer
     3. n. resistor (electronic device)
     4. prep. againstnéged
     5. prep. opposite
378 מים
     1. n. (pluralonly) watermáyim
379 פנימה
     1. adv. inwards, insidep'níma
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