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800 ערך
     1. n. value'érekh
     2. n. entry
     3. v. to organize, manage, handle, arrange, set up'arákh
     4. v. to formulate, draw up
     5. v. to lead (a ceremony)
801 שמתי
     1. v. (שַׂמְתִּי, sámti) first-person singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of שָׂם (sám).
802 גנב
     1. v. to stealganáv
     2. n. thief
803 תרצי
     1. v. second-person feminine singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of רצה (ratsá)tirtsi
804 אחות
     1. n. sisterakhót
     2. n. (by extension) nurse
805 עיר
     1. n. A city.'ír
806 קולונל
     1. n. A colonel.kólonel
807 עורך
     1. n. an editororékh
808 דן
     1. v. To discuss; 1=construed with ע.dan
     2. v. To judge.
809 משתמש
     1. n. One who uses; a user.mishtamésh
     2. n. (computing) A user.
     3. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of השתמש (hishtamésh).
810 הממשלה
     1. n. singular definite form of מֶמְשָׁלָה (memshalá).hamemshalá
811 שלם
     1. adj. complete, intact
     2. v. to be safe (in mind, body or estate);shalám
     3. v. figuratively to be (causatively make) completed; by implication to be friendly; by extension to reciprocate (in various applications):
812 נושא
     1. n. A subject, a topic, an issue: that which is under discussion, or which is being handled.nosé
           העלנו את הנושא לדיון - We brought up the subject for discussion
     2. n. (grammar) A subject: the subject of a verb or of a clause.
     3. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of נָשָׂא (nasá).
813 פתוח
     1. adj. (of a, door, window, or the like) Open: ajar, standing open, not closed; unlocked, closed but not locked.patúakh
           הדלת פתוחה. (hadélet p'tukhá.) - The door is open.
           נכנסים דרך החלונות הפתוחים. (nikhnasím dérekh hakhalonót hap'tukhím.) - They get in through the open windows.
     2. adj. (of a, room, building, vehicle, or the like) Open: having an open or unlocked door.
     3. adj. (of a, restaurant, store, or other business) Open: open for business.
814 ביצים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of בֵּיצָה (betzá): eggs.beytsim
     2. n. (slang) cojones (either meaning testicles or having balls, courage)
815 נשוי
     1. adj. marriednasúi
816 משמעות
     1. n. (, and, un) meaningmashma'út
           מה המשמעות של זה? — ma hamashma'út shel ze? — What is its meaning? What does it mean?
     2. n. intent
     3. n. importance, significance
817 הרגשה
     1. n. a feeling, a sentimenthargashá
818 צרות
     1. adj. feminine plural indefinite form of צַר (tsar)tsarót
     2. n. plural indefinite form of צָרָה (tsará)
     3. n. narrownesstsarút
819 יורד
     1. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of יָרַד (yarád).yoréd
     2. n. A (male) emigrant from Israel.
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