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1160 אושר
     1. n. happiness'ósher
     2. v. (rare) passive of אישר: to be authorized, to be confirmed.ushár
1161 חמה
     1. n. Sun, (the) Sun.khamá
     2. n. (astronomy) Mercury.
     3. n. Rage, wrath, fury.khemá
     4. n. (topics, he, Planets of the Solar System)
1162 רון
     1. n. (literary) joy, elationron
1163 רביעי
     1. adj. (ordinal) fourth; also (fractionally) a fourth: - four-square, fourth (part).
1164 חש
     1. v. To sense, to feel: to have a sense, to experience a sensation.khásh
1165 מסוגלים
     1. adj. masculine plural of מסוגלm'sugalím
1166 זמנים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of זמן (z'man).z'maním
1167 הר
     1. n. mountain (mass of earth and rock)har
1168 הוכחה
     1. n. proof, confirmationhokhakhá
     2. n. (law) evidence
1169 אולם
     1. conj. But.ulám
     2. n. A hall: a large room, an arena, a salon.
           אוּלַם אוּסִישְׁקִין הָיָה אוּלַם כַּדּוּרְסַל אֲשֶׁר שִׁימֵּש כְּאוּלַם הַבַּיִת שֶׁל הַפּוֹעֵל תֵּל אָבִיב. (ulám habáyit shel hapo'él tel avív.) - The Ussishki
1170 תפקיד
     1. n. function, role, jobtafqíd
1171 עיוור
     1. adj. blind
     2. n. Someone blind (without sight).ivér
1172 ביטוח
     1. n. insurancebitúakh
1173 בחירה
     1. n. choiceb'khirá
     2. n. election, voting
1174 טבעת
     1. n. ringtabá'at
1175 כלא
     1. n. A prison, a jail.kéle
           בכלא (b'kéle) - in jail
     2. v. To jail, to lock up, to hold (someone) prisoner.kalá
1176 חלש
     1. adj. weak‏‏‏‏khalásh
1177 יראו
     1. v. third-person plural past of יראyar'ú
     2. v. masculine third-person plural future of רָאָהyir'ú
     3. v. masculine plural imperative of יראy'ru
     4. v. masculine third-person plural future of נראהyeraú
1178 תנועה
     1. n. Movement, move, motion (physical motion).t'nu'á
     2. n. Traffic.
     3. n. (linguistics) Vowel.
     4. n. (politics, arts) Movement.
1179 אצבעות
     1. n. plural of אֶצְבַּעetzba'ót
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