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1440 התנגדות
     1. n. Opposition: the action, state, or quality of opposing or of being in conflict.hitnag'dút
     2. n. (הִתְנַגְּדוּת־, hitnag'dút-) singular construct form of הִתְנַגְּדוּת .
1441 יושבת
     1. n. inhabitantyoshévet
     2. v. feminine singular present participle and present tense of ישב (yasháv).
1442 אחיו
     1. n. Plural form, with suffix indicating a third-person masculine singular possessor, of אח: his brothers.echáv
     2. n. Form, with suffix indicating a third-person masculine singular possessor, of אח: his brother.achív
1443 נרצח
     1. v. To be murdered.nirtsákh
     2. v. (נִרְצָח, nirtsákh) masculine singular present participle and present tense of נרצח .
     3. n. A (male) murder victim.
           ux, he, גופת הנרצח, tr=gufát hanirtsákh, t=the victim
1444 נהר
     1. n. river (especially the Nile, Euphrates, etc.)nahár
     2. v. to stream
1445 נשמה
     1. n. (biblical) breathn'shamá
     2. n. soul, spirit
     3. n. (flowery) essence, gist
     4. n. (colloquial) darling
           כפרה עלייך נשמה שלי! (kapára aláyikh n'shamá shelí!) - Bless your soul, my darling!
1446 שלב
     1. n. level, phase, stageshaláv, sh'láv
     2. n. step, rung (in a staircase or ladder)
1447 תשובות
     1. n. plural indefinite form of תְּשׁוּבָה (t'shuvá).t'shuvót
1448 מבקשים
     1. v. masculine plural present participle and present tense of בִּקֵּשׁ (bikésh).m'vak'shím
1449 ואמר
     1. v. (he-Vav-imperfect of n=s, p=1, אָמַר, .=., tr=amár)vaomár
     2. v. (he-Vav-perfect of n=s, p=3, g=m, אָמַר, .=., tr=amár)v'amár
1450 ארבעים
     1. num. forty'arba'ím
1451 כיתה
     1. n. (education) A class, a course.kitá
     2. n. (education) A class, a grade.
     3. n. (education) A class, a classroom.
     4. n. (military) A squad.
1452 חופשה
     1. n. vacation (US), holiday (UK)khufsha
1453 להריח
     1. v. to-infinitive of הריח (heríakh).l'haríakh
1454 מטה
     1. n. stick, staff, wandmaté
     2. n. headquarters
     3. n. (Judaism) tribe
     4. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of הִטָּה (hitá).maté
     5. adv. Low: to, in(,) or of below or a low place.máta
1455 הון
     1. n. capital, wealth, fortunehon
1456 מצלמה
     1. n. A camera: a device for taking photographs.matzlemá
1457 רפואי
     1. adj. Medical: of or pertaining to medicine.
1458 כדורגל
     1. n. football, soccerkadurégel
1459 מקומי
     1. adj. Local: of, from, or in a given place.
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