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1760 אופניים
     1. n. A bicycle, a bike.ofanáyim
1761 פין
     1. n. (anatomy) penispin
           הוא רוצה לגעת לי בפין. (Hu rotse laga'at li bapin.) - He wants to touch my penis
1762 טיפ
     1. n. (colloquial) tip, gratuitytip
     2. n. (slang) A tip: a hint, clue, or small bit of wisdom or advice.
1763 מדע
     1. n. science (collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method)madá
1764 בור
     1. n. whole, pitbór
     2. n. fallow, uncultivated landbúr
     3. n. ignoramus, fool
     4. adj. ignorant
     5. n. boron (chemical element)bór
1765 דלתות
     1. n. plural of דֶּלֶתd'latót
     2. n. plural of דֶּלְתָּאdéltot
1766 דחף
     1. n. impulse, urge, compulsion, desiredákhaf
     2. v. To push.dakháf
     3. v. To push back, to postpone.
1767 ביתו
     1. n. Form, with possessive suffix for a third-person masculine singular possessor, of בַּיִת: his/its housebetó
1768 רמה
     1. n. highlands, high regionsramá
     2. n. level (standard or measure, as in an advanced level of ability or high water levels)
     3. n. (gaming) level, stage
     4. n. (meteorology) barometric high
     5. n. height
1769 מצפון
     1. n. conscience (moral sense)matzpún
1770 פח
     1. n. A snare, trap.pakh
     2. n. sheet metal
     3. n. (informal) A garbage can.
1771 תשעה
     1. num. ninetish'á
1772 אביב
     1. n. spring, the season before summer and after autumnavív
     2. n. early stage of ripening, especially of grains
     3. n. season of beginning barley-crop
     4. n. also, the offering of the first fruits (בכורים) (on Passover)
1773 נע
     1. v. to movena'
     2. adj. mobile, moving
1774 מסעדה
     1. n. restaurantmis'adá
1775 תולעת
     1. n. a wormtolá'at
1776 דרקון
     1. n. (Rabbinic Hebrew) A serpent, considered an emblem of idolatry.d'rakón
     2. n. A dragon, a legendary creature.
1777 כפולה
     1. adj. feminine singular indefinite form of כפול (kafúl).k'fulá
1778 סקרן
     1. n. Someone curious or inquisitive.sakrán
     2. v. To interest, intrigue: to arouse curiosity or interest in.sikrén
1779 פנטסטי
     1. adj. Fantastic, wonderful.
     2. adj. Fantastic, fantastical.
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