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1840 רובוט
     1. n. robot (mechanical or virtual, artificial agent)robot
1841 עירום
     1. n. nudity‘êrôm
1842 מאתיים
     1. n. dual indefinite form of מֵאָה (méʾa): two hundreds.maʾtayím
1843 לברך
     1. v. to-infinitive of ברך (berákh).l'varékh
1844 קבוצות
     1. n. plural indefinite form of קְבוּצָה (k'vutzá)k'vutzot
1845 מדינת
     1. n. construct form of מְדִינָהm'dinát
1846 ראשים
     1. n. plural of רֹאשׁrashím
1847 מבנה
     1. n. structure, buildingmivné
1848 אנוכי
     1. pron. (archaic or formal) I (first-person singular nominative pronoun).anokhí
     2. adj. (he-adj-i, wv=אָנוֹכִי, tr=anokhí, mp2=1)
     3. adj. selfish, egotistical
1849 אריה
     1. n. A lion.aryé
     2. n. (zodiac constellations) Leo, of the zodiac
1850 עבדו
     1. n. form of עֶבֶד (éved) third-person masculine singular personal pronoun as possessor: his slave.avdó
     2. v. third-person masculine plural past tense (suffix conjugation) of עָבַד (avád).av'dú
     3. v. masculine plural imperative of עבד (avád)ivdú
     4. v. third-person masculine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of עָבַד ('avád) with a third-person masculine singular pronoun suffixed as direct object: he served him. he served him.avadó
     5. v. third-person plural past tense (suffix conjugation) of עִבֵּד (ibéd).ib'dú
1851 מוכשר
     1. adj. talented
     2. adj. trained, qualified
     3. adj. prepared
     4. adj. (Jewish law) prepared for ritual use
1852 בדיחות
     1. n. plural of בְּדִיחָהb'dichót
1853 חפץ
     1. n. object (thing)ḥéfets
     2. n. desire
     3. v. desireḥafáts
1854 פנויה
     1. adj. feminine singular of פָּנוּי.panuyá
1855 אהוב
     1. adj. loved, belovedahúv
     2. n. A loved one.
     3. n. A lover.
     4. n. (אֲהוּב־, ahúv-) singular construct form of אָהוּב .
1856 שוק
     1. n. market in the broad sense of the wordshuk
     2. n. a street market, souq
     3. n. shinshok
     4. n. shock: a state of great surprise.
           אני בשוק. (aní b'shók.) - I'm in shock.
1857 הוצא
     1. v. to be removed, taken outhutsá
     2. v. to be expelled, ejected
     3. v. masculine singular imperative of הוֹצִיאhotsé
1858 כוסות
     1. n. plural indefinite form of כּוֹס (kos): cups, glasses, tumblers.kosót
1859 ציבורי
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, dwv=צִבּוּרִי, tr=tsiburí, mp2=f)
     2. adj. Public: pertaining to the public; or concerning an entire country or community.
     3. adj. Public: officially representing the public (usually via the government).
     4. adj. Public: owned or maintained by, or for the use of, the public.
     5. adj. Public: open to public view; unconcealed.
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