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1880 מלכי
     1. n. plural construct form of מֶלֶךְ‏malkhéi
1881 מאחורינו
     1. prep. Form of מאחורי (me'akhoréi) including first-person plural personal pronoun as objectme'akhoréinu
1882 האמין
     1. v. to believehe'emín
           כַּמָּה מֵהַדְּבָרִים בָּהֶם הוּא מַאֲמִין הֵם מוּזָרִים מְאוֹד. (káma mehadvarím bahém hu ma'amín hém muzarím me'ód.) - Some of the things he believes are very strange.
1883 מחובר
     1. adj. Connected, linked, tied.
           הוא מחובר לחמצן. — hú m'khubár l'khamtsán — He's hooked up to oxygen.
           המדפסת מחוברת לחשמל. — hamadpéset m'khubéret lakhashmál. — (literally) The printer is connected to the electricity. — (idiomatically) The printer is plugged in.
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of חובר (khubár).m'khubár
1884 שקית
     1. n. a small bag‏‏‏‏, pouchsakít
1885 הסכים
     1. v. to agreehiskím
           אני לא מסכים עם ההנחות שלו. (ani lo maskim im hahanakhot shelo.) - I don't agree with his assumptions.
1886 יאמר
     1. v. (He/it) will say: masculine third-person singular future of אָמַרyómer
     2. v. (It) will be said: masculine third-person singular future of נאמרye'amár
1887 דת
     1. n. religiondat
1888 כפתור
     1. n. Button: fastener, as for clothes.kaftór
     2. n. Button: mechanical device pushed by a finger.
1889 מעגל
     1. n. a circlema'agál
1890 שליח
     1. n. emissary, envoy, proxy, agentshalíakh
     2. n. delivery person
1891 שיקר
     1. v. to lie, to tell a lieshikér
1892 קץ
     1. n. An end, a finish.kets
1893 להקה
     1. n. band (a group of musicians)lahaká
     2. n. group of animals, e.g.
           pack (of wolves)
           flock (of birds)
           school (of fish)
1894 שורות
     1. n. plural of שׁוּרָה sc=Hebrshurót
1895 החזר
     1. n. refundhekhzer
     2. n. repayment, paying back
1896 ברזל
     1. n. iron (element)barzél
1897 תקח
     1. v. second-person masculine singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of לָקַח (lakách).tikách
1898 נודע
     1. v. To be known.nodá
     2. v. To be made known, to be announced.
1899 נחת
     1. n. (music) A flat, a flat sign.nakhét
     2. n. (נְחֵת־, n'khét-) singular construct form of נָחֵת .
     3. n. A marine, such as a member of the U.S. Marine Corps.nekhát
     4. n. (נַחַת־, nakhát) singular construct form of נֶחָת .
     5. v. (of an, aircraft, or its passengers or cargo) To land.nakhát
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