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1960 רגש
     1. n. emotion, feeling; sentimentrégesh
1961 נשמתי
     1. n. singular form of נְשָׁמָה (nishmá) first-person singular personal pronoun as possessor.nishmáti
     2. v. first-person singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of נשם (nasham)nashamti
1962 המשיך
     1. v. To continue, to still do.himshíkh
1963 תריסר
     1. n. A dozen: twelve.t'resár
     2. n. (תְּרֵיסַר־, t'resár-) singular construct form of תְּרֵיסָר .
1964 מקלחת
     1. n. A shower.miklákhat
           אני במקלחת (aní bamiklákhat.) - I'm in the shower.
1965 נכתב
     1. v. To be written: to get written, to undergo writing, to come into written existence.nikhtáv
           הספרים נכתבו במשך שנה וחצי. — has'farím nikht'vú b'méshekh shaná vakhétsi. — The books were written over the course of a year and a half.
     2. v. (נִכְתָּב, nikhtáv) masculine singular present participle and present tense of נִכְתַּב .
1966 פגש
     1. v. To meet.pagásh
     2. v.    To meet for the first time.
     3. v.    To meet by chance.
     4. v.    To meet intentionally: to have a meeting with.
1967 קלף
     1. v. to peel, skin, parekaláf
     2. n. cardk'láf
     3. n. parchment
     4. n. playing card
1968 נוכח
     1. v. realize, find out
           אולי יום אחד היא תיווכח לדעת הבחור שהיא השתגעה עליו הוא הומו.
1969 זעם
     1. n. furyzá'am
     2. v. to be furiousza'am
1970 חירש
     1. adj. Deaf: unable to hear, especially as a permanent condition.
     2. n. A (male) deaf person, a non-hearing person.kherésh
1971 הצלה
     1. n. A rescue, a saving (the action of the verb to save).hatsalá
1972 מיידי
     1. adj. Immediate, instant, without delay.
1973 פעיל
     1. adj. Active.pa'íl
     2. n. Activist.
1974 לינה
     1. n. A stay, as in a hotel.liná
1975 מחזה
     1. n. a sight, a spectaclemakhazé
     2. n. a play
1976 רחב
     1. adj. wide (broad from side to side)
1977 תפוחים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of תַּפּוּחַ (tapúakh): apples.tapukhim
1978 שלווה
     1. n. calm, peace, serenityshalvá
1979 להתווכח
     1. v. to-infinitive of התווכח (hitvakéach): to argue, to debate, to quarrel. to argue, to debate, to quarrel.l'hitvakéach
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