340 |
하루 |
1. n. a day, 24 hours |
2. n. daytime |
341 |
그림 |
1. n. picture, drawing, painting, sketch |
거실 벽-에는 그림들-이 걸려 있었다. - Some pictures were hanging on the wall in the living room. |
이 그림을 보겠습니다. - Let's take a look at this picture. |
2. n. (figurative) beautiful scenery (as in being picturesque) |
342 |
적 |
1. n. enemy; opponent; adversary |
적-을 얕보다 - to underestimate one's opponent |
그 분-께서-는 적-과-의 싸움-에서 한 번-도 지지 않으신 명장(名將)-이시다. - He is a famous general who has not lost a single battle against his enemies. |
2. n. (formal) object, target |
비난-의 적 - a target of criticism |
343 |
터 |
1. n. place, room, space |
2. n. lot, site |
3. n. foundation, groundwork |
4. n. plan, schedule |
5. n. (dependent) inference; intention, plan |
344 |
마시다 |
1. v. to drink |
주스-를 마시다 - to drink juice |
2. v. to breathe in, to inhale |
공기-를 마시다 - to breathe in air |
345 |
치다 |
1. v. to hit, to beat, to strike, to slap, to pound |
박수-를 치다 - to beat an applause |
2. v. to strike, to attack (an enemy country or location) |
적-의 후방-을 노려서 치다 - to tactically assault the enemy from the rear |
3. v. (of a clock) to strike (an hour) |
346 |
혼자 |
1. n. solitude |
2. n. alone, (all) by oneself, (all) on one's own |
도와 드릴까요? 고맙지만, 혼자 할 수 있을 것 같아요. - Can I help? Thank you but I think I can cope alone. |
347 |
교수 |
1. n. instruction |
2. n. professor |
348 |
술 |
1. n. alcoholic beverage; liquor |
2. n. tassel or fringe (on flags, curtains, clothing, etc.) |
349 |
사랑 |
1. n. love; affection (emotion) |
2. n. love; beloved (object of one's love) |
3. n. (historical) salon, hall (in a traditional Korean house) |
350 |
의식 |
1. n. consciousness; awareness |
2. n. consciousness in the philosophical sense |
3. n. ritual; ceremony |
351 |
전화 |
1. n. telephone, phone |
마샤 직장-의 전화 번호-는 555-8986(오오오에 팔구팔육)-이야. - The telephone number of Marsha's workplace is 555-8986. |
전화 받으세요. - Please pick up the phone. |
2. n. transformation, conversion, change |
3. n. war, the conflagration of battle |
352 |
끝나다 |
1. v. to come to an end; to become finished |
아르바이트는 언제 끝나? - When does your part-time job end? |
353 |
돌아오다 |
1. v. to return, to come back |
354 |
맞다 |
1. v. to be correct, right |
네 말-이 맞다 - You are right. |
여보세요? 아나 맞아? — 그래, 나 여기 있어. - Excuse me? Anna? Is that you? — Oh, yes. I am here! |
Original English texts from 2016, (public domain) |
2. v. to suit (one's liking), to meet (one's wishes) |
355 |
아빠 |
1. n. (colloquial) dad, papa |
그 가족-은 아빠, 엄마, 두 아이, 이렇게 네 명-입니다. - There are four people in the family: a father, a mother, and two children. |
356 |
걸리다 |
1. v. to hang; to be hung |
2. v. to catch; to be caught |
감기-에 걸리다 - to be sick/ill with a cold |
3. v. to become involved in something |
4. v. to take (time) |
357 |
지키다 |
1. v. to protect, to defend |
2. v. to watch over |
3. v. to keep to, to abide by |
침묵-을 지키다 - to preserve silence |
358 |
한번 |
1. adv. (used primarily with -어/-아 보다) sometime (when there is a chance) |
2. adv. very, extremely |
3. n. (used with the topic particle -은) one day, someday |
4. n. nonstandard spelling of 한 t=once, at one time |
359 |
커피 |
1. n. coffee, especially the beverage |
커피-를 내리다 - to brew coffee |
졸리-면 커피-를 좀 마셔 봐. - Drink some coffee if you feel sleepy. |