400 |
믿다 |
1. v. to trust, to believe |
네, 그렇게 해 드려야죠. 그러나 우리가 당신-을 믿을 수 있을지 확신-이 서지 않네요. - Well we might do but I'm not sure that we can trust you with them. |
2. v. to trust someone |
남녀-를 막론한 불운한 아이들에게, 그들-이 믿는 바 - as they believed, to all unlucky infants of either gender |
401 |
바꾸다 |
1. v. to change something; to replace something with something else |
전구-를 바꾸어 끼우다 - to change a lightbulb |
2. v. to exchange something; to give something and receive something else in return |
지폐-를 잔돈-으로 바꾸다 - to exchange notes (paper currency) for coins |
3. v. to change; to make changes; to modify |
402 |
낳다 |
1. v. (of a female) to lay, to give birth to; of a male to sire |
아기-를 낳다 - to give birth to a baby |
연어-는 알-을 낳기 위해 강-을 거슬러 올라-간다. - The salmon swims upstream to lay eggs. |
2. v. (figurative) to engender, to bring about, to spawn |
헌신-과 노력-이 낳은 결과 - the result brought about by dedication and effort |
403 |
바 |
1. n. rope |
⇒ (ko-l, 참바), ko-l, 밧줄 |
(koex, 여봐라, 저 죄인을 바로 꽁꽁 묶어라., Attendants! Tie this criminal up tightly with a rope!) |
2. n. bar; pub; bar parlour |
⇒ (ko-l, 스탠드바) |
404 |
정보 |
1. n. information |
405 |
열리다 |
1. v. to open, to be opened |
2. v. to ripen |
나무-에 열매-가 주렁주렁 열렸다. - The tree is laden with fruit ripened. |
406 |
좋아하다 |
1. v. to like something or someone; to prefer |
워싱턴 사람-들-은 운동-하는 것-을 좋아해요. - People in Washington like to work out! |
Original English texts from 2016, (public domain) |
나-는 모든 종류-의 음식-을 좋아해. - I like all kinds of food. audio, 나는 모든 종류의 음식을 좋아해.ogg |
407 |
그리다 |
1. v. to draw, to paint |
그림-을 그리다 - to draw a picture |
2. v. to trace |
3. v. (in a work of literature or art) to depict, to relate |
4. v. (literary) to imagine, to think about |
408 |
만큼 |
1. Dependent noun. the degree or extent to which |
409 |
배우다 |
1. v. to learn (of) |
배운 사람 - learned person; person of letters |
운전-을 배우다 - to learn to drive |
매일 새로운 것-을 배우다 - to learn something new every day |
석존-께서-는 중생-의 생로병사-를 배우신 후 출가-를 결심하셨습니다. - The honored Shakyamuni Buddha decided to leave his family upon learning of how the sentient beings were born, aged, fell ill, and died. |
410 |
역할 |
1. n. a role or part |
네-가 떠나기 전-에 네 역할-에 관하여 브리핑-을 하겠다. - I will give you a briefing about your role before you leave. |
오십마리-의 강아지-들-이 경기-에서 역할-을 펼칠 것-이다. - Fifty puppies will “play” in the game. |
2016, (The original sentence in English) |
411 |
옆 |
1. n. side, flank, vicinity |
옆에 앉아도 될까요? - Do you mind if I sit next to you? |
412 |
행동 |
1. n. action |
413 |
어 |
1. interj. ko-yin form of 아 |
2. interj. uh-huh, yes |
3. interj. ah!, oh!; (conveys surprise, urgency, or strong emotion) |
4. interj. huh?; (conveys confusion) |
5. n. (historical) yu, a tiger-shaped percussion instrument |
414 |
국내 |
1. n. that which is within a country; domestic |
415 |
비하다 |
1. v. to compare |
416 |
기관 |
1. n. engine; machine |
2. n. agency |
3. n. trachea; windpipe |
4. n. organ of the body |
417 |
입장 |
1. n. (ko-regional, 입장(立場), 립장(立場)) |
2. n. standpoint; perspective |
관점-이란 어떤 사물-을 바라보는 입장-을 말한다. - Point of view means a position from which something is seen. |
3. n. entry, admittance |
초대된 사람-만 입장-이 가능합니다. - Admittance with invitation only. |
418 |
만하다 |
1. adj. (auxiliary) to be worthy of; to be enough, to be sufficient |
해 볼 만-한데? - It is doable. |
좀 멀기-는 한-데, 그래도 갈 만-해. - It is a bit far, but it is still worth going. |
419 |
예 |
1. interj. (formal) yes (affirms the truth of the question as stated) |
한 번-은 가-보셨습니까? — 예, 가-본 적 있습니다. - Have you been there at least once? — Yes, I have been there. |
한 번-도 가-본 적 없습니까? — 예, 없습니다. - Have you never been there? — No lit. Yes, never. |
2. n. (ko-regional, 예(例), 례(例)) |
3. n. example |