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440 갑자기
     1. adv. suddenly, all of a sudden
441 넘다
     1. v. to exceed, to surpass, to go beyond
     2. v. to jump/climb (over), to go over, to go across
           담장-을 넘다 - to jump over a wall
442 지니다
     1. v. to keep or preserve
443 바람
     1. n. wind, air, draft
           공기-의 움직임-이 바람이다. - The wind is the movement of the air.
           바람-이 많이 분다. - The wind is blowing hard.
     2. n. fad; vogue
     3. n. fickleness
444 잘하다
     1. v. to do something well, to be good at
     2. v. to be kind, to treat well
445 마을
     1. n. village, hamlet, usually in rural surroundings
     2. n. (obsolete) the office of a local magistrate
446 어리다
     1. adj. to be young, to be little, to be a child; (when used for people, usually younger than mid-teens unless used in a comparison)
           내 어린 시절 - my childhood
           어릴 때-에-는 누구-나 순수하다. - Everyone is innocent when they are young.
           나-는 열-일곱 살-이니 언니-보다 세 살 어리다. - Since I am seventeen, I am three years younger than my sister.
     2. adj. to be naïve; to be immature
447 대표
     1. n. something which is representative
     2. n. representative (person)
448 가능성
     1. n. degree of possibility
449 방향
     1. n. direction, orientation
           바람이 불어오고 있는 방향을 향해서 - towards the direction from which the wind is blowing
     2. n. (musical instrument) banghyang, a metallophone of Chinese origin used in Dangak, a genre of traditional Korean court music of Tang origin.
450 대회
     1. n. a conference or convention
451 목소리
     1. n. voice
452 노래
     1. n. song
           노래-를 부르다 - to sing a song
           들-을수록 좋은 노래 - a song that gets better the more you listen to it
           나-는 그 노래-의 코드-를 땄다. - I figured out the chords of that song just by listening.
     2. n. (figurative) an incessant request, repeated like the refrain of a song
453 바다
     1. n. sea, ocean
           바다-와 하늘 모두 얼마나 푸르렀는지, 수평선 따위-는 누군가 지어낸 이야기-일 뿐-이라고 나-는 확신-했다. - The sea and the sky were both so blue that I was certain that the horizon was but a story someone had made up.
454 힘들다
     1. adj. (to be) difficult
           그것은 힘든 일이다! - That is a hard work!
     2. adj. (to be) tired
455 공부
     1. n. learning; study
     2. n. tribute
     3. Proper noun. (historical politics) The imperial Chinese Ministry of Works from the Tang to Qing dynasties
     4. Proper noun. (historical politics) the Korean ministry of Works of Goryeo Kingdom
456 움직이다
     1. v. to move
457 의원
     1. n. member of a parliament or assembly
     2. n. a clinic
458 노력
     1. n. striving, making an effort to accomplish something
459 전혀
     1. adv. (not) at all, absolutely, completely
           한국어-를 전혀 할 수 없어요. - I don't know any Korean at all.
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