Czech Word of the Day
Czech > English |
držet |
1. v. to hold |
Držel ve svých rukách knihu. - He held a book in his hands. |
2. v. (cs-reflexive, d) to hold on, to hold tight |
Ženich s nevěstou se drží za ruce. - The groom and his bride are holding hands. |
3. v. (cs-reflexive, d) to stay, to remain |

Example Sentences
Musíš číst noviny, abys mohl držet krok s dobou. You must read the newspaper so that you may keep up with the times. |
Review previous words
vzduch | balkón | učitel | tělo |
úterý | housenka | hodinky | padesát osm |
dítě | obchod | středa | držet |
poslouchat | vlak | kyselý | auto |
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