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The Dutch word for back is


Dutch Definition

     1. terug
     2. rug
     3. steunen

Translations for back and their definitions

     1. v. to support, keep up, back up, assist
     2. v. to rest, be based or founded on
     3. v. to moan, groan
     4. n. plural of steun

     1. n-m. The backside, rear-end of an object etc.
     2. n-m. The reverse of a roughly symmetrical object which has a distinct front

     1. adv. backwards, back (in the opposite direction)
           Neem een stap terug, en ga dan naar rechts. - Take a step back, and then go to the right.
     2. adv. back, to a previous place or condition
           Geef dat terug! - Give it back!
     3. adv. back, in return
           Toen mijn vriend naar me zwaaide, zwaaide ik naar hem terug. - When my friend waved to me, I waved back at him.
     4. adv. (chiefly Belgium) again, back again
           Toen ze zag dat het nog donker was, viel ze terug in slaap. - When she saw it was still dark, she fell back asleep.

rug ©
     1. n-m. back, backside
     2. n-m. (geology) ridge
     3. n-m. (Netherlands, historical) short for, rooie rug; a thousand-guilders banknote

oud ©
     1. adj. old
           De oude man en de zee. (The Old Man and the Sea.)
     2. adj. stale (of bread)

     1. adv. Afterwards, in hindsight.
           Achteraf is het makkelijk praten. - Hindsight is always 20/20.

     1. n-f. A backrest, the back of a piece of furniture.

     1. n-m. defender, protector
     2. n-m. (sports) defender

tegen ©
     1. prep. against
           Ze protesteerden tegen het nieuwe beleid. - They protested against the new policy.
           Hij nam medicijnen tegen zijn hoofdpijn. - He took medicine against his headache.
     2. prep. to, towards
           Ze liep tegen de deur aan. - She walked towards the door.
           De kat rende tegen het raam. - The cat ran towards the window.
           lief tegen iemand doen - to act friendly towards someone

achter ©
     1. prep. behind
           De bal ligt achter de kast.
             The ball is (lying) behind the cupboard.
     2. prep. beyond

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