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The Dutch word for boat is


Dutch Definition

     1. boot, schip

Translations for boat and their definitions

boot ©
     1. n-m. boat
           We gaan dit weekend varen op onze nieuwe boot. - We're going boating on our new boat this weekend.
           De vissers gebruikten hun kleine bootjes om de zee op te gaan. - The fishermen used their small boats to go out to sea.
           Het eiland is alleen bereikbaar per boot of per helikopter. - The island is only accessible by boat or helicopter.

schip ©
     1. n-n. ship (a large, water borne vessel)
           Het grote schip vaart over de oceaan naar verre landen. - The large ship sails across the ocean to distant lands.
           De haven was vol met kleurrijke schepen van over de hele wereld. - The harbor was filled with colorful ships from all around the world.
     2. n-n. (architecture) nave (the middle or body of a standard medieval church or cathedral, extending from the transepts to the principal entrances)
           De imposante kathedraal had een prachtig versierde schip met hoge gewelven. - The impressive cathedral had a beautifully decorated nave with high vaults.
           De middeleeuwse kerk had een eenvoudig, maar indrukwekkend schip met een gotische stijl. - The medieval church had a simple yet impressive nave with a Gothic style.

varen ©
     1. v. to sail, to go by boat, to navigate
     2. v. to ascend or descend
     3. v. to fare
     4. n-f. (topics, Ferns) fern (plant of the class Polypodiopsida)

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