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The Dutch word for day is


Dutch Definition

     1. dag, etmaal

Translations for day and their definitions

dag ©
     1. n-m. day (period of 24 hours)
           We gaan over twee dagen op vakantie. - We are going on vacation in two days.
           Een dag duurt 24 uur. - A day lasts 24 hours.
     2. n-m. daytime (time between sunrise and sunset)
           De dierentuin is geopend tijdens de dag, zodat bezoekers de dieren in hun natuurlijke omgeving kunnen zien. - The zoo is open during daytime, so visitors can see the animals in their natural ha
           We genieten van de zon en het strand tijdens de dag. - We enjoy the sun and the beach during the daytime.
     3. n-m. (in compound words) a meeting or assembly with legal or political power, originally convened on a specific day; a diet
     4. interj. hello, short for goedendag 'goodday; goodbye'
     5. interj. goodbye, same shortening
     6. n-f. A piece of rope, used to punish sailors with, on the spot or in running the gauntlet
     7. n-f. A line used to fasten young sailors while training boarding a hostile ship or climbing the rigging

     1. n-n. (slightly, formal) day (period of 24 hours), nychthemeron

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