vast | ©
1. adj. firm, fast, tight | |
2. adj. fixed, not moving or changing | |
Kunnen we de vaste lasten dragen? - Can we sustain the fixed costs? | |
3. adj. stuck, unable to get out | |
Haar hand zat vast in het gat. - Her hand was stuck in the hole. | |
4. adj. (chemistry) in the solid state | |
Bij kamertemperatuur is het een vaste stof. - It is a solid substance at room temperature. | |
5. adj. (botany) perennial | |
Hij heeft een aantal vaste planten gepoot. - He has planted a few perennial plants. | |
6. adj. (of a telephone) using a landline | |
Is er een vaste verbinding? - Is there a landline connection? | |
7. adv. (obsolete) almost; about; close to | |
8. adv. surely, certainly | |
9. adv. (informal, sarcastically) sure, yeah, right | |
Mijn hond at mijn huiswerk. — Ja, vast! - My dog ate my homework. — Yeah, right! | |
10. v. first-person singular present indicative of vasten | |
11. v. second-person singular present indicative of vasten | |
12. v. third-person singular present indicative of vasten | |
13. v. imperative of vasten | |