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The Dutch word for fire is


Dutch Definition

     1. vuur
     2. afvuren
     3. ontslaan

Translations for fire and their definitions

vuur ©
     1. n-n. fire
           We maakten een vuur om ons warm te houden tijdens de koude nacht. - We made a fire to keep us warm during the cold night.
           Pas op voor het vuur, het kan je verbranden. - Beware of the fire, it can burn you.
           Ze zaten rond het vuur en vertelden verhalen. - They sat around the fire and told stories.
     2. n-n. heater
     3. n-n. (informal) a lighter
           Heb je vuur? - Got a light?
     4. n-n. The act of firing with firearms, explosives or less commonly other projectile weapons; fire.
     5. adj. (slang) Great, amazing, extraordinary, dope.
           Zijn nieuwe album is vuur. - His new album is fire.
     6. v. first-person singular present indicative of vuren
     7. v. imperative of vuren

     1. v. to discharge, to let go, to free of one's duties
     2. v. to fire, to sack (terminate the employment of)

     1. v. to fire, to fire off (a weapon, projectile)
           De soldaat vuurde een raket af. - The soldier fired off a rocket.
           Hij vuurde zijn pistool af in de lucht. - He fired his pistol into the air.
           Ze vuurde meerdere schoten af uit haar geweer. - She fired off multiple shots from her rifle.

     1. v. to bake
     2. v. to pan-fry

     1. v. to go off
     2. v. to go down
     3. v. to lose face
     4. v. (of a telephone) to ring
     5. v. to defecate
     6. v. to base oneself (+preo, op, on), to depend +preo, op, on

     1. Proper noun. .
     2. n-m. destructive, catastrophic fire (such as a house fire)
           Die vreselijke brand was veroorzaakt doordat een kleuter met kaarsen speelde. - That terrible fire originated because a toddler was playing with candles.
     3. v. first-person singular present indicative of branden
     4. v. imperative of branden

     1. Proper noun. .
     2. v. to fire, to shoot (a weapon)
           De soldaten vuurden hun geweren. - The soldiers fired their rifles.
           Hij vuurde een waarschuwingsschot af. - He fired a warning shot.
           Ze vuurde haar pistool zonder te aarzelen. - She shot her pistol without hesitation.
     3. adj. made of the wood of the Norway spruce
     4. n-n. wood of the Norway spruce (Picea abies)
     5. n. plural of vuur

     1. v. to shoot, fire
           De soldaat begon te schieten toen hij de vijand zag. - The soldier began to shoot when he saw the enemy.
     2. v. to shoot, to kill (especially game)
           De jager schoot een hert tijdens het jachtseizoen. - The hunter shot a deer during hunting season.
     3. v. to rush, to move quickly
           Hij schoot door de gang om de trein te halen. - He rushed through the corridor to catch the train.
     4. v. to kick (a ball in ball games, especially soccer)
           De voetballer schoot de bal in het doel. - The soccer player kicked the ball into the goal.

fornuis ©
     1. n-n. cooker, stove (kitchen appliance consisting of a cooktop and an oven)

     1. Proper noun. .
     2. n-f. foot stove
     3. n-f. (historical) public bathing house
     4. v. singular past indicative of stuiven
     5. v. first-person singular present indicative of stoven
     6. v. imperative of stoven

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