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The Dutch word for to hit is

to hit

Translations for to hit and their definitions

     1. v. to touch
     2. v. to hit (to not miss)
     3. v. to suffer (from pain or physical wounds).
     4. v. (copulative) to become
           ,,Het is nog te vroeg om te stellen dat de woningmarkt oververhit dreigt te
     5. v. In conjunction with a noun, refers to the moment of obtaining characteristic, described by a noun.
           kwijt raken — to go missing
           zwanger raken — to become pregnant
           in paniek raken — to start to panic
           besmet raken — to contract a disease
           gewend raken — to get accustomed (to), to acquire (knowledge of), to master (a subject), to settle down, to acclimatise.

     1. n. blow, knock
     2. n. battle
     3. n. beat, stroke, pulsation

     1. n. a jab, punch, blow
     2. n. (billiards) a shot
     3. n. a stab with a pointed object
     4. n. a shocking interruption of a movement, shock
     5. n. (informal) single penetrating movement by the penis, pertaining to sex.
     6. n. (slang) a chick (i.e. an attractive young woman)
     7. v. first-, second- and third-person singular present indicative of stoten
     8. v. imperative of stoten

     1. v. to hit, strike
           Het leek alsof ik door een mokerslag was getroffen. - It felt as if I was hit by a sledge.
     2. v. to find (by chance), hit upon, to encounter
     3. v. to achieve, accomplish
     4. v. to feel, come to believe
     5. n. encounter
           In de hoofdstad Quito zijn al enkele dagen demonstraties tegen bezuinigingen op de politiesalarissen, waarbij het tot gewapend treffen tussen het leger en de rebellerende agenten is gekomen. -
     6. n. meeting

     1. v. to hit, to slap
     2. v. to beat, overcome
     3. v. to strike
           de klok slaat zeven: the clock strikes seven
     4. v. to pulse, beat
           zijn hart slaat: his heart is beating
     5. v. to surround with
           een mantel om de schouders slaan: to put a cloak around the shoulders
     6. v. to suddenly start along (something), especially when said of movement
           op de vlucht slaan: to take flight
           Ze sloegen vanaf de trottoir linksaf.
             They started walking off to the left from the pavement.
     7. v. (chess) to take one of your opponent's pieces
     8. v. (~ op) to refer to, to mean, to have to do with

     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of treffen
     2. v. imperative of treffen

     1. n. deposit (substance layered on a surface)
     2. n. stroke, keystroke
     3. n. attack, assault
     4. n. (of taxes) assessment

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