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The Dutch word for to look is

to look

Translations for to look and their definitions

     1. n. A glance
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of blikken
     3. v. imperative of blikken
     4. n. A can, tin
     5. n. The metallic material tins are made of

     1. v. To look (at).
     2. v. To watch (a film).

     1. n. outlook (panorama)
     2. n. outlook (expectation for the future)

     1. v. (copulative) To seem, appear
           Het lijkt erop - It seems like
           Het lijkt op - It looks like
     2. v. (archaic) To please, (in archaic English usage) to like
     3. n. Plural form of lijk

     1. v. (er ~) to look, to seem, to appear
           Het ziet er naar uit dat - It seems like
           Het ziet er uit als - It looks like

     1. n. garlic
     2. n. several related herbs, like chive, garlic, shallot and leek
     3. v. singular past indicative of luiken
     4. n. appearance, clothing style, look

     1. n. appearance
     2. adj. external
     3. adv. latest; at latest; no later than
           De belastingaangifte moet uiterlijk 1 september bij de belastingdienst zijn.
             Tax declaration should be submitted to tax authorities no later than 1 September.

     1. n. style, fashion
     2. n. (botany) style of a pistil
     3. n. a bar on a metal fence
     4. n. the vertical part of the metal or concrete support frame that surrounds a window or a door

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