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The Dutch word for to point is

to point

Translations for to point and their definitions

     1. v. to point
           Niet wijzen naar anderen, dat is onbeleefd!
             Don't point at others, that's rude!
           De pijl wijst in de richting van de dichtstbijzijnde nooduitgang.
             The arrow points in the direction of the nearest emergency exit.
     2. v. to point out, indicate
           De klok wijst twaalf uur.
             The clock indicates twelve o'clock.
           De leraar wees de leerlingen op hun fouten.
             The teacher pointed out their mistakes to the students.
     3. v. to direct to (by extension, to send to)
           Kunt u mij de toiletten wijzen alstublieft?
             Could you direct me to the toilets please?
           De onderhandelingen waren op niets uitgelopen, en de diplomaten werden de deur gewezen.
             The negotiations had not resulted in any gains, and the diplomats were directed to the door. (i.e. they were sent away/dismissed)
     4. n. Plural form of wijs
     5. n. Plural form of wijze

     1. n. a spot
     2. n. a bruise
     3. n. a place

     1. n. place, position
     2. n. town, city
     3. v. first-person singular present indicative of plaatsen
     4. v. imperative of plaatsen

     1. n. place
     2. n. region

     1. n. location

     1. n. comma

     1. n. unity
     2. n. unit

     1. n. peninsula

     1. n. standpoint; point of view

     1. n. count
           De gebedssnoeren worden gebruikt om de while reciting or chanting.
     2. n. (time) second
     3. n. a short moment
     4. v. first-person singular present indicative of tellen
     5. v. imperative of tellen

     1. n. A position, place, or spot
     2. n. A moment in time
     3. n. A central idea, argument, or opinion of a discussion or presentation
     4. n. A tally of worth or score (such as in a game)
     5. n. A mark, note, or grade (as in for a class)
     6. n. (geometry) point
           Door twee punten gaat precies één rechte. - Through two points one can draw exactly one straight line.
     7. n. The terminal point of something
           de punt van een naald of mes - the point of a needle or knife
           de zuidpunt van het eiland - the southern point of the island
     8. n. dot
           Een ypsilon, zonder puntjes. - A wye, without dots on it.
     9. n. full stop, period
           Aan het einde van een zin hoort een punt of een ander leesteken. - At the end of a sentence there belongs a full stop or another punctuation sign.
           Punt, gedaan. - Full stop, finished. / That’s it, period.

     1. n. aim, purpose
     2. n. destination
     3. n. (sports) goal
     4. v. first-person singular present indicative of doelen
     5. v. imperative of doelen

     1. n. component

     1. n. objective

     1. n. moment in time, time of day.
           Op dat tijdstip sliep ik nog.
            I was still sleeping at that time.
           Ondanks het late tijdstip was het nog erg druk op straat.
            Despite the late hour the streets were still very crowded.

     1. n. Goal (scoring in sport).
           Pele scoorde het enige doelpunt van de wedstrijd.
             Pele scored the game's only goal.
           We kwamen op achterstand door een eigen doelpunt.
             We went a goal behind as a result of an own goal.

     1. adj. objective, impartial
     2. n. goal, objective, target to be achieved
     3. n. objective, lens of microscope or binoculars closest to the object

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