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The Dutch word for to punch is

to punch

Translations for to punch and their definitions

     1. v. to pommel, to punch

     1. adj. blunt, not sharp
           Met zo’n stomp potlood kun je toch niet tekenen!
             You can’t draw with such a blunt pencil!
     2. adj. (mathematics of an angle) Having over 90 degrees.
           Dit is een stompe hoek.
             This is a blunt angle.
     3. n. A stump, a short, formless, protruding object.
           Er bleef na de amputatie niet meer dan een stompje van zijn vinger over.
             After the amputation, no more than a stump of his finger was left.
     4. n. A blow, a painful hit with the fist or the elbow.
           Je zou hem een stomp geven!
             You’d give him a blow!
     5. v. first-person singular present indicative of stompen
     6. v. imperative of stompen

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