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The Dutch word for to run is

to run

Dutch Definition

     1. loop
     2. rennen, lopen

Translations for run and their definitions

rennen ©
     1. v. to run, to move fast
     2. n. plural of ren

loop ©
     1. n-m. course, duration
     2. n-m. a river course
     3. n-m. course of a projectile
     4. n-m. barrel (of a firearm)
     5. v. first-person singular present indicative of lopen
     6. v. imperative of lopen

lopen ©
     1. v. to run, go fast on one's own legs
           Ik ben naar de stad gelopen. - I ran to the city.
     2. v. to run, cover distance, follow a track etc.
           Hij heeft daar veel gelopen. - He did a lot of running there.
     3. v. to walk, go somewhere regardless of speed
           We kunnen naar de supermarkt lopen om boodschappen te doen. - We can walk to the supermarket to do some shopping.
           Hij loopt elke ochtend naar zijn werk. - He walks to his workplace every morning.
           Ik ben naar de stad gelopen. - I walked to the city.
     4. v. to walk in general
           De kinderen zijn buiten aan het lopen. - The children are outside walking.
           Zij loopt graag in het park om van de natuur te genieten. - She likes to walk in the park to enjoy nature.
           Hij heeft daar veel gelopen. - He did a lot of walking there.
     5. v. to stretch, to run (to extend in space or through a range) (often of relatively elongated objects or constructs)
           De rivier loopt dwars door de stad. - The river runs straight through the city.
           De weg loopt helemaal tot aan de kust. - The road extends all the way to the coast.
     6. v. to be current, activated, in progress
           Het contract loopt binnenkort af. - The contract will be ending soon.
           De aanbieding loopt nog tot het einde van de maand. - The offer is valid until the end of the month.
           De rechtzaak tegen de crimineel loopt al een tijdje. - The lawsuit against the criminal has been in progress for a while already.
     7. v. to be doing or functioning (well or poorly), to progress
           De onderhandelingen lopen soepel. - The negotiations are progressing smoothly.
           Het project loopt op schema. - The project is on track.
           Zijn nieuwe project loopt goed. - His new project is doing well.
     8. v. to lose liquid: drip, gush, leak
           Er is een lek in de kraan en het water loopt langzaam weg. - There's a leak in the faucet, and the water is slowly dripping away.
           Toen het vat viel, begon het bier eruit te lopen en maakte een grote puinhoop. - When the barrel fell, the beer started to gush out, creating a big mess.
     9. v. (auxiliary) Forms a continuous aspect. Although it carries an implication of walking, this is vague and not emphasized.
           Wat loop jij daar te doen? - What are you doing there?
     10. n-m. A dry measure of content
     11. n-m. An apparently larger land measure
     12. n. plural of loop

ladder ©
     1. n-f. A ladder.
     2. n-f. (clothing) A ladder, a run (length of unravelled fabric).

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