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The Dutch word for sheet is


Translations for sheet and their definitions

     1. n. a type of woollen fabric, very sought-after for clothing in the feudal era
     2. n. bedsheet
     3. v. to criticize, reproach, denounce
           De gasten van dat groezelig motel laken tevergeefs de gebrekkige hygiĆ«ne van de lakens.
             The guests in that sleazy motel denounce in vain the poor sheets hygiene

     1. n. leaf (of a plant)
     2. n. sheet of paper, page, leaf (in a book)
     3. n. magazine
     4. n. the flat section on the upper side of a table or desk
     5. n. the broad, flat blade of a weapon or tool; a blade

     1. adj. low
     2. n. layer
     3. n. class, when referring to social class. See also laag van de bevolking

     1. n. The act(ivity) of shooting
     2. n. (metonymy) A shot; the projectile; the range
     3. n. A vegetal shoot
     4. n. (figuratively) Various movements
     5. n. A shot, some liquid (especially liquor) poured in one movement
     6. n. A wedge
     7. v. singular past indicative of schieten
     8. n. lap, upper leg
           De Madonna met het kindje Jezus op schoot wordt zetel der Wijsheid genoemd
             The Madonna with baby Jesus on her lap is called the seat of Wisdom
     9. n. (figuratively) Various corresponding parts of certain vestments, animals and objects
     10. n. A shoot, certain ropes or chains used in sailing

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