The Dutch word for sheet is
Translations for sheet and their definitions
Laken | |
1. Proper noun. A Belgian municipality, near Brussels, site of the largest royal palace estate. | |
2. n-n. woollen broadcloth (fulled and woven fabric made of wool), very sought-after for clothing in the feudal era | |
3. n-n. bedsheet | |
4. v. to criticize, reproach, denounce | |
De gasten van dat groezelig motel laken tevergeefs de gebrekkige hygiƫne van de lakens. - The guests in that sleazy motel denounce in vain the poor sheets hygiene. | |
5. n. plural of laak |
blad | © | |
1. n-n. A leaf (of a plant) | ||
De bladeren begonnen al te verkleuren en enkele zijn reeds gevallen. - The leaves began to change colour already and some have already fallen off. | ||
Die olifant lust wel een groen blaadje. - That elephant would like to eat a green leaf. | ||
2. n-n. A sheet of paper, leaf (in a book) | ||
Steek je hand op als je een nieuw blad nodig hebt. - Raise your hand if you need a new sheet of paper. | ||
3. n-n. A page | ||
4. n-n. A magazine or other periodical publication. | ||
Heb je dat nieuwe blad over lokale podiumkunst al gelezen? - Have you already read that new magazine about local performing arts? | ||
5. n-n. The flat section on the upper side of a table or desk | ||
Omdat mijn lamp erop viel zit er een diepe deuk in het blad. - There is a deep dent in the tabletop, because my lamp fell on it. | ||
6. n-n. The broad, flat blade of a weapon or tool; a blade | ||
Het blad van het zwaard was zeer roestig. - The blade of the sword was very rusty. | ||
7. n-n. (obsolete) A usufruct (right to make use or derive profit from somebody else's property) |
laag | |
1. adj. low | |
De temperatuur is vandaag erg laag. - The temperature is very low today. | |
Dit gebied staat bekend om zijn lage huizen. - This area is known for its low houses. | |
Van alle scores was die van haar het laagst. - Of all the scores, hers was the lowest. | |
2. n-f. layer | |
Ze schilderde meerdere lagen om de kleur te verdiepen. - She painted several layers to deepen the color. | |
De cake had vijf lagen met verschillende smaken. - The cake had five layers of different flavors. | |
Een dun laagje ijs bedekte de vijver. - A thin layer of ice covered the pond. | |
3. n-f. class, stratum, level (in a society) | |
De maatschappelijke lagen zijn duidelijk zichtbaar in deze stad. - The societal strata are clearly visible in this city. | |
Hij behoort tot de bovenste laag van de samenleving. - He belongs to the upper class of society. | |
De middenlaag is de ruggengraat van de economie. - The middle stratum is the backbone of the economy. |
Schoot | |
1. Proper noun. . | |
2. n-m. The act(ivity) of shooting | |
3. n-m. (metonymy) A shot; the projectile; the range | |
4. n-m. A vegetal shoot | |
5. n-m. (figuratively) Various movements | |
6. n-m. A shot, some liquid (especially liquor) poured in one movement | |
7. n-m. A wedge | |
8. n-m. lap, upper leg | |
De Madonna met het kindje Jezus op haar schoot wordt "zetel der Wijsheid" genoemd. - The Madonna with baby Jesus on her lap is called the "seat of Wisdom". | |
9. n-m. (figuratively) Various corresponding parts of certain vestments, animals and objects | |
10. n-m. sheet (certain ropes used in sailing) | |
11. v. singular past indicative of schieten | |
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