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The Dutch word for to stand is

to stand

Translations for to stand and their definitions

     1. v. (intransitive) to stand, to be upright
     2. v. (intransitive) to be, to be placed or located
           In Holland staat een huis.
             In Holland there is a house.
     3. v. (intransitive with te) and another verb Used as an alternative to zijn + aan het to form a continuous aspect. Although it carries an implication of standing, this is vague and is not strictly required
           Wat sta jij daar te koken?
             What are you cooking there?
     4. v. to say, to indicate in a written form
           In de grondwet staat precies wie de macht heeft in een land en hoe hij of zij die moet gebruiken.
             In the constitution it says exactly who's in power in a country and how he or she must use this power.

     1. v. to stand up
     2. v. to get up, to rise
     3. v. to be on, to be cooking
     4. v. to be on, to be playing (music)

     1. n. A tripod serving as an optic - or other device's three-legged stand or mount

     1. n. posture, position, bearing
     2. n. rank, standing, station; class
     3. n. score (of a game, match)
     4. n. stand (small building or booth)

     1. v. to tolerate
     2. v. to endure, bear
     3. n. Plural form of verdrag

     1. n. position

     1. n. stand (a designated spot where someone or something may stand or wait, e.g. for a bus)

     1. v. to position; place
     2. v. to state, to put forward
     3. v. (passive) gesteld zijn op: to feel affection for
     4. v. (zich stellen) to take one's stand
     5. v. (chemistry) to standardize a solution by titration
     6. n. Plural form of stel

     1. copse

     1. v. to endure, to weather, to withstand
     2. Participle. past participle of doorstaan

     1. v. to set down, deposit, put down

     1. v. To resist, withstand.
     2. Participle. past participle of weerstaan

     1. n. stall

     1. v. to endure, tolerate
     2. v. (money) to be outstanding, to be owing

     1. n. standpoint; point of view

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