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The Dutch word for to touch is

to touch

Translations for to touch and their definitions

     1. v. To touch.

     1. v. to touch

     1. v. to touch
     2. v. to hit (to not miss)
     3. v. to suffer (from pain or physical wounds).
     4. v. (copulative) to become
           ,,Het is nog te vroeg om te stellen dat de woningmarkt oververhit dreigt te
     5. v. In conjunction with a noun, refers to the moment of obtaining characteristic, described by a noun.
           kwijt raken — to go missing
           zwanger raken — to become pregnant
           in paniek raken — to start to panic
           besmet raken — to contract a disease
           gewend raken — to get accustomed (to), to acquire (knowledge of), to master (a subject), to settle down, to acclimatise.

     1. n. detail

     1. n. (nl-noun form of dim, tik)

     1. v. (physically) stir, scramble
     2. v. (also reflexive: zich roeren) to move, budge
     3. v. (figuratively) touch, move (to cause emotion)
     4. v. (music) to play an instrument
           Wanneer de virtuoos de trompet roerde was iedereen tot tranen geroerd
             When the virtuoso played the trompet, everyone was moved to tears
     5. n. Plural form of roer

     1. v. to move, to cause to become emotional

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