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Engels Woord van de dag




Engels > Nederlands
     1. doctor
Engels > Engels
     1. n. A physician; a member of the medical profession; one who is trained and licensed to heal the sick or injured. The final examination and qualification may award a doctor degree in which case the post-n
           If you still feel unwell tomorrow, see your doctor.
     2. n. A person who has attained a doctorate, such as a Ph.D. or Th.D. or one of many other terminal degrees conferred by a college or university.
     3. n. A veterinarian; a medical practitioner who treats non-human animals.
     4. n. A nickname for a person who has special knowledge or talents to manipulate or arrange transactions.
     5. n. (obsolete) A teacher; one skilled in a profession or a branch of knowledge; a learned man.
     6. n. (dated) Any mechanical contrivance intended to remedy a difficulty or serve some purpose in an exigency.
           the doctor of a calico-printing machine, which is a knife to remove superfluous colouring matter
           the doctor, or auxiliary engine, also called "donkey engine".
     7. n. A fish, the friar skate.
     8. v. To act as a medical doctor to.
           Her children doctored her back to health.
     9. v. (intransitive, humorous) To act as a medical doctor.
     10. v. To make (someone) into an (academic) doctor; to confer a doctorate upon.
     11. v. To physically alter (medically or surgically) a living being in order to change growth or behavior.
           They doctored their apple trees by vigorous pruning, and now the dwarfed trees are easier to pick.
           We may legally doctor a pet to reduce its libido.
     12. v. To genetically alter an extant species.
           Mendel's discoveries showed how the evolution of a species may be doctored.
     13. v. To alter or make obscure, as with the intention to deceive, especially a document.
           To doctor the signature of an instrument with intent to defraud is an example of forgery.
     14. v. (intransitive, obsolete) To take medicine.
Nederlands > Engels
     1. n-m. doctor (person who has attained a doctorate)



If I were you I would call the doctor.
    Als ik jou was, zou ik een arts bellen.
Is your father a doctor?
    Is je vader dokter?
I don't know if he is a doctor.
    Ik weet niet of hij dokter is.
Isn't she a doctor?
    Is zij geen arts?
I know you're not a doctor.
    Ik weet dat je geen dokter bent.

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