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The Finnish word for back is


Translations for back and their definitions

     1. n. back (the reverse side)
     2. n. (astronomy) farside (of the Moon)

     1. adv. Back.
           Mennään takaisin.
             Let's go back.
     2. adv. (colloquial) Back.
           Olemme takaisin siinä, mistä aloitimme.
             We are back where we started from.
     3. v. first-person singular conditional present of taata
           (Minä) takaisin onnesi, jos voisin.
             I would guarantee your happiness if I could.
     4. adj. superlative degree of takainen
     5. adj. instructive plural form of takainen

     1. n. partitive singular form of tuki
     2. v. To support, shore/prop/back up (mentally or physically).
     3. v. To support/back (financially), give financial support to, subsidize, finance; to sponsor.
     4. v. To sustain.
     5. v. To substantiate, corroborate.
           Onko sinulla mitään, mikä tukisi syytöksiäsi?
             Do you have anything that would substantiate your allegations?

     1. n. The aft part of anything, the rear, the back, the tail end
     2. n. (nautical) The stern of a vessel.
     3. n. The butt of a gun.
     4. n. (dialectal) A neighbourhood
     5. n. In certain idioms, the truth or the foundation.
     6. n. (colloquial) The bottom or the ass.
     7. n. (archaic) ground. The sense still lives in compound terms, such as:
           järkiperäinen (lit: grounded on reason) = rational
           perätön = ungrounded

     1. n. (anatomy) back
     2. n. ridge, spine (line or area on a mountain or hill from which one can descend to at least two separate directions)
     3. n. watershed area
     4. n. back, spine (the side where the pages are bound together)
     5. n. open water (expanse of sea or large lake which is distant from shore and devoid of nearby islands or other obstructions)

     1. n. A back end, out-of-the-way corner or place; often used in plural (a place which is remote or otherwise difficult to reach).
           Rahat ovat piilossa komeron perukoilla.
             The money is hidden at the back end of the closet.

nurja puoli
     1. n. reverse side

     1. n. rear, backside, behind of something
           Talon takapuolella kasvaa omenapuu.
             At the backside of the house grows an apple tree.
     2. n. (anatomy) behind, bottom, bum, buttocks, backside

     1. adv. Closed.
           Ovi oli kiinni.
             The door was closed.
     2. prep. Onto.
           Voin pitää kiinni laukustasi.
             I can hold onto your bag.
     3. prep. pitää ~ + elative = to stick to, not deviate from.
           Me pidämme kiinni periaatteistamme.
             We stick to our principles.
     4. post. Onto.
           Voin pitää laukustasi kiinni.
             I can hold onto your bag.
     5. adv. Into possession (used with ottaa)
           Ottaa koiran kiinni.
             To catch a dog.

     1. Prefix. A prefix signifying back, rear or hind.

     1. adj. old

     1. v. (intransitive) To back, (of a computer) to backspace.
     2. v. To withdraw, retract, rescind, recant, renege, take back (a statement).
     3. v. To revoke, cancel, call off, invalidate.
     4. v. ~ avioliitto = to annul a marriage.
     5. v. ~ käsky = to countermand an order.
     6. v. ~ sopimus = to nullify a contract.

     1. adv. comparative degree of kauas

     1. Prefix. back (far from the main area)

     1. backrest, back piece of a chair

     1. n. defender (someone who defends people or property)
     2. n. defender (a fighter who repels an attack)
     3. n. (sports) defender, back (a player whose primary task is to prevent the opposition from scoring)
           oikea ~ : right back
           vasen ~ : left back
     4. n. (ice hockey) defenseman, defenceman

     1. n. A short form of työkalupakki, which is a box designed to serve as a portable tool storage, a tool box.
     2. n. (colloquial) Reverse, in the sense of reverse gear.
           laittaa pakki päälle = to put the reverse on
     3. n. (nautical) If a sailing vessel or any of its sails is in such position relative to the wind that the wind blows from the wrong side of a sail, the sail is said to be pakilla (adessive case of the noun
     4. n. (military) mess kit, A metal container belonging to a soldier's field equipment. The container serves as a cooking vessel and the top doubles as a cup.
     5. n. (colloquial) A defending player in various ballgames; a defenceman; a defender.
     6. n. (colloquial) The event of getting rejected, especially by the opposite sex when approaching her/him. Normally used in plural, pakit.
           Hain kolmasti Liisaa tanssimaan, mutta pakit joka kerta.
             I asked Liisa three times to dance, but every time.
     7. n. (colloquial) The head of a person.

     1. n. back (the part of something that goes last)

     1. away, from a place, e.g. to go away

     1. adj. remote, back (far from the main area)

     1. adj. located behind something
           talon takainen metsä
             the forest behind the house
           talon takaisessa metsässä
             in the forest behind the house

     1. n. back (the part of something that goes last)
     2. n. rear

     1. v. second active infinitive of hillitä in instructive

     1. adv. (of movement) away:
           Hän meni pois.
              S/he went away. (cf. poissa)

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