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Translations for bag and their definitions

     1. n. bag, satchel
     2. n. (colloquial) In plural (kassit), scrotum

     1. n. A bag (soft).
     2. n. A case (hard).

     1. n. bag, pouch, sac
     2. n. (marsupials) pouch
     3. n. (billiards) pocket
     4. n. (colloquial) in plural (pussit): scrotum
     5. n. Together with certain modifiers used to produce compound terms meaning a person who has a lot of a given characteristic.
           äkäinen, , ill-tempered > (m, fi, äkäpussi, äkäpussi, shrew)
           kiukku, , anger > (m, fi, kiukkupussi, kiukkupussi, a person who is easily angered)
           sisu, , willpower, guts > (m, fi, sisupussi, sisupussi, an obstinate person)

     1. n. A sack (large bag for storage and handling).

     1. v.
     2. v. To lead (a child, dog etc.).
     3. v. To walk (to push (a vehicle) alongside oneself as one walks).
           Suojatiellä polkupyörää tulee taluttaa.
             A bicycle must be walked over a crosswalk.
     4. v. To walk (to walk someone with a firm grip).
           Hän oli niin heikko, että hänet piti taluttaa autoon.
             He was so feeble that he had to be walked to the car.

     1. v. to protrude, bulge outward
     2. v. to balloon

     1. n. Talk (conversation, especially an abundant one)
     2. n. tale
     3. n. anecdote (short often humorous account of an incident)
     4. n. story (lie)
     5. n. article (story in a newspaper)
     6. n. thing, business, matter
           On yksi juttu vielä...
             There's one more thing/matter...
           Me teemme yhdessä kaikenlaisia juttuja.
             We do all kinds of things together.
     7. n. event (occurrence of social or personal importance)
     8. n. case (legal proceeding)
     9. n. lawsuit
     10. n. affair (that which is done or is to be done)
     11. n. thing, object, item (vaguely designated material object)
     12. n. preference, bag
           Acid House ei ole minun juttuni, pidän perinteisemmästä musiikista.
             Acid House is not my bag, I prefer more traditional music.

     1. v. To swell (to become bigger, especially due to engorging).
           paisua ylpeydestä
             to swell with pride
     2. v. To expand (to increase in volume or scope).
           Höyry paisuu turbiinissa ja osa sen lämpöenergiasta muuttuu turbiinin liike-energiaksi.
             Steam expands in the turbine and part of its thermal energy transforms into kinetic energy of the turbine.
           Body Shop paisui muutamassa vuodessa kotiteollisuudesta maailmanlaajuiseksi ketjuksi.
             The Body Shop expanded from cottage industry into a worldwide chain within a few years.
     3. v. To mushroom (to grow quickly to a large size)
     4. v. To bilge or to bulge (swell).

     1. v. To acquire, get, obtain, find.
     2. v. To buy, purchase, procure.
     3. v. To provide, furnish, supply.
     4. v. To earn, make (money).
     5. v. To prepare for, look for.

     1. n. whistle (device)
     2. n. pipe (musical instrument)
     3. n. drinking straw, straw
     4. n. (colloquial) bag (breathalyzer)

     1. v.
     2. v. To pour (out); to spill.
           Kaadan kahvia.
             I pour coffee.
           Kaadoin vesilasin.
             I spilled the glass of water.
     3. v. To knock/tip/turn over, overturn, upset.
           He kaatoivat veneen.
             They overturned the boat.
           ~ ylösalaisin = to turn upside down.
     4. v. To dump, tip (a load).
     5. v. To fell, cut/chop down (a tree), to cut (hay).
           Puuta kaadetaan.
             The tree is being felled.
     6. v. To shoot/kill down (game).
     7. v. To knock down.
           Hänet kaadettiin.
             He was knocked down.
     8. v. To overthrow.
           Kapinalliset kaatoivat hallituksen.
             The insurgents overthrew the government.
     9. v. (nautical) To capsize (to cause to overturn).
     10. v. (slang) To drink (alcohol), booze.
           Menetkö kaatamaan (viinaa) tänään?
             Will you go to booze today?

     1. v. To pouch (to enclose in a pouch).
     2. v. To trap as in a pouch, also figuratively.
     3. v. To hang as a pouch or shaped as a pouch.
     4. v. (billiards) To pocket.

     1. v. (intransitive) To hang.
     2. v. To hang around.

     1. v. To reserve, book.
     2. v. To put aside.

     1. v. To catch, snatch.

     1. v. to trap, snare (animals); to hunt, fish for.
     2. v. to snare, catch, net (a person to get married with).

     1. v. to get, receive
     2. v. saada tietää: to learn, find out, come to know
     3. v. to afford; usually in passive (to give forth; yield as natural result)
           Rypäleistä saadaan viiniä, oliiveista öljyä.
             Grapes afford wine, olives afford oil.
     4. v. to deserve
           Saisit hävetä!
             You deserve to be ashamed!
             You should be ashamed!
     5. v. may, to be allowed, to be permitted
     6. v. to make (to cause the direct object to be the subject of a verb)
           Saat minut nauramaan.
             You're making me laugh.
     7. v. (colloquial) to get laid (If the partner is mentioned, the partner is in the ablative case (equivalent to from))

     1. v. to sack (to fill in sacks)

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