The Finnish word for bag is

Translations for bag and their definitions
kassi | |
1. n. bag, satchel | |
2. n. (colloquial) In plural (kassit), scrotum |
laukku | |
1. n. A bag (soft). | |
2. n. A case (hard). |
pussi | |
1. n. bag, pouch, sac | |
2. n. (marsupials) pouch | |
3. n. (billiards) pocket | |
4. n. (colloquial) in plural (pussit): scrotum | |
5. n. Together with certain modifiers used to produce compound terms meaning a person who has a lot of a given characteristic. | |
äkäinen, , ill-tempered > (m, fi, äkäpussi, äkäpussi, shrew) | |
kiukku, , anger > (m, fi, kiukkupussi, kiukkupussi, a person who is easily angered) | |
sisu, , willpower, guts > (m, fi, sisupussi, sisupussi, an obstinate person) |
säkki | |
1. n. A sack (large bag for storage and handling). |
taluttaa | |
1. v. | |
2. v. To lead (a child, dog etc.). | |
3. v. To walk (to push (a vehicle) alongside oneself as one walks). | |
Suojatiellä polkupyörää tulee taluttaa. | |
A bicycle must be walked over a crosswalk. | |
4. v. To walk (to walk someone with a firm grip). | |
Hän oli niin heikko, että hänet piti taluttaa autoon. | |
He was so feeble that he had to be walked to the car. |
pullistua | |
1. v. to protrude, bulge outward | |
2. v. to balloon |
juttu | |
1. n. Talk (conversation, especially an abundant one) | |
2. n. tale | |
3. n. anecdote (short often humorous account of an incident) | |
4. n. story (lie) | |
5. n. article (story in a newspaper) | |
6. n. thing, business, matter | |
On yksi juttu vielä... | |
There's one more thing/matter... | |
Me teemme yhdessä kaikenlaisia juttuja. | |
We do all kinds of things together. | |
7. n. event (occurrence of social or personal importance) | |
8. n. case (legal proceeding) | |
9. n. lawsuit | |
10. n. affair (that which is done or is to be done) | |
11. n. thing, object, item (vaguely designated material object) | |
12. n. preference, bag | |
Acid House ei ole minun juttuni, pidän perinteisemmästä musiikista. | |
Acid House is not my bag, I prefer more traditional music. |
paisua | |
1. v. To swell (to become bigger, especially due to engorging). | |
paisua ylpeydestä | |
to swell with pride | |
2. v. To expand (to increase in volume or scope). | |
Höyry paisuu turbiinissa ja osa sen lämpöenergiasta muuttuu turbiinin liike-energiaksi. | |
Steam expands in the turbine and part of its thermal energy transforms into kinetic energy of the turbine. | |
Body Shop paisui muutamassa vuodessa kotiteollisuudesta maailmanlaajuiseksi ketjuksi. | |
The Body Shop expanded from cottage industry into a worldwide chain within a few years. | |
3. v. To mushroom (to grow quickly to a large size) | |
4. v. To bilge or to bulge (swell). |
hankkia | |
1. v. To acquire, get, obtain, find. | |
2. v. To buy, purchase, procure. | |
3. v. To provide, furnish, supply. | |
4. v. To earn, make (money). | |
5. v. To prepare for, look for. |
pilli | |
1. n. whistle (device) | |
2. n. pipe (musical instrument) | |
3. n. drinking straw, straw | |
4. n. (colloquial) bag (breathalyzer) |
kaataa | |
1. v. | |
2. v. To pour (out); to spill. | |
Kaadan kahvia. | |
I pour coffee. | |
Kaadoin vesilasin. | |
I spilled the glass of water. | |
3. v. To knock/tip/turn over, overturn, upset. | |
He kaatoivat veneen. | |
They overturned the boat. | |
~ ylösalaisin = to turn upside down. | |
4. v. To dump, tip (a load). | |
5. v. To fell, cut/chop down (a tree), to cut (hay). | |
Puuta kaadetaan. | |
The tree is being felled. | |
6. v. To shoot/kill down (game). | |
7. v. To knock down. | |
Hänet kaadettiin. | |
He was knocked down. | |
8. v. To overthrow. | |
Kapinalliset kaatoivat hallituksen. | |
The insurgents overthrew the government. | |
9. v. (nautical) To capsize (to cause to overturn). | |
10. v. (slang) To drink (alcohol), booze. | |
Menetkö kaatamaan (viinaa) tänään? | |
Will you go to booze today? |
pussittaa | |
1. v. To pouch (to enclose in a pouch). | |
2. v. To trap as in a pouch, also figuratively. | |
3. v. To hang as a pouch or shaped as a pouch. | |
4. v. (billiards) To pocket. |
roikkua | |
1. v. (intransitive) To hang. | |
2. v. To hang around. |
varata | |
1. v. To reserve, book. | |
2. v. To put aside. |
napata | |
1. v. To catch, snatch. |
pyydystää | |
1. v. to trap, snare (animals); to hunt, fish for. | |
2. v. to snare, catch, net (a person to get married with). |
saada | |
1. v. to get, receive | |
2. v. saada tietää: to learn, find out, come to know | |
3. v. to afford; usually in passive (to give forth; yield as natural result) | |
Rypäleistä saadaan viiniä, oliiveista öljyä. | |
Grapes afford wine, olives afford oil. | |
4. v. to deserve | |
Saisit hävetä! | |
You deserve to be ashamed! | |
You should be ashamed! | |
5. v. may, to be allowed, to be permitted | |
6. v. to make (to cause the direct object to be the subject of a verb) | |
Saat minut nauramaan. | |
You're making me laugh. | |
7. v. (colloquial) to get laid (If the partner is mentioned, the partner is in the ablative case (equivalent to from)) |
säkittää | |
1. v. to sack (to fill in sacks) |
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