The Finnish word for bear is

Translations for bear and their definitions
sietää | |
1. v. to tolerate, endure | |
2. v. to stand |
kantaa | |
1. n. partitive singular form of kanta | |
2. v. To carry, bear. | |
3. v. (intransitive) To carry, be carried, reach. | |
Tytön huuto kantoi kauas. | |
The scream of the girl reached far. | |
4. v. To wield. |
karhu | |
1. n. bear in general. | |
2. n. brown bear (Ursus arctos). |
kestää | |
1. v. to cope, stand, withstand, endure, hold up | |
Talo kesti myrskyn. | |
The house withstood the storm. | |
2. v. (intransitive) to last, take, dure | |
Kuinka kauan se kestää? | |
How long does it take? | |
Ei siinä kestä kauaa. | |
It won't take long. | |
3. v. to tolerate, stand | |
En kestä häntä enää! | |
I can't stand him anymore! |
ylläpitää | |
1. v. maintain, uphold, keep up |
kärsiä | |
1. n. partitive plural form of kärsä | |
2. v. (intransitive) To suffer from, endure. | |
Lapset kärsivät nälänhädästä. | |
The children suffer from famine. | |
3. v. To suffer, experience, undergo (something negative = genitive-accusative). | |
Joukkue kärsi tappion. | |
The team suffered a defeat. |
painostaa | |
1. v. to coerce, to put pressure on, pressurize (to exert force or influence to compel one to act against his will) | |
Älä anna kenenkään painostaa itseäsi ostamaan jotakin, jota et halua. | |
Do not let anyone coerce you into buying something you do not want. |
tuoda | |
1. v. | |
2. v. to bring, get | |
3. v. ~ (maahan): to import |
toimittaa | |
1. v. | |
2. v. To send, deliver, take, get, fetch; to give (someone = allative, something = genitive-accusative), supply/provide (someone = illative or allative, with something = genitive-accusative). | |
3. v. To hold, conduct, perform, preside at. | |
4. v. To edit (a book, a magazine). | |
5. v. To copy edit (a text). |
tulla voimaan | |
1. v. to come into force |
päättää | |
1. v. To decide (to do something). | |
2. v. To judge, infer, conclude. | |
3. v. To end, conclude, terminate, bring to a close. | |
4. v. To tie off, fasten (a thread). |
tuottaa | |
1. v. To produce. | |
2. v. To develop, generate. |
liittyä | |
1. v. (intransitive) (+ illative) | |
2. v. To join. | |
~ (jäseneksi) puolueeseen = to join a (political) party. | |
3. v. To be related to, be associated with, be part of. | |
Asiat liittyvät toisiinsa. | |
These things are related to each other. | |
4. v. To have to do with. | |
Muistelen, että hänen kirjansa liittyi avaruusolentojen tekemiin sieppauksiin. | |
As I recall, his book had to do with alien abductions. | |
Liittyykö tämä mitenkään suunnittelemaasi juhlaan? | |
Does this have anything to do with the party you were planning? | |
Kyllä, minulla on auto, mutta miten se liittyy pätevyyteeni toimistotyöhön? | |
Yes, I have a car, but what does that have to do with whether I am qualified for a desk job? |
todistaa | |
1. v. To prove, demonstrate, substantiate. | |
Pystytkö todistamaan sen? | |
Can you prove it? | |
2. v. To witness, give/bear witness to, testify to, attest to; (religiously) to give a testimonial of/to. | |
3. v. (intransitive) To testify, depose, take the stand. | |
Todistaako hän äitiään vastaan? | |
Will s/he testify against her mother? |
voittaa | |
1. v. (intransitive) To win. | |
2. v. To beat, conquer, overcome (a competitor); to win (a prize). |
sisältää | |
1. v. To include; to contain. | |
2. v. To involve. |
pitää sisällään | |
1. v. encase |
olla | |
1. v. (copular) To be (indicating that the subject and the complement of the verb form the same thing). | |
Minä olen onnellinen. | |
I am happy. | |
Minä olen lääkäri. | |
I am a doctor. | |
2. v. (intransitive) To be (to occupy a place). | |
Minä olen kotona. | |
I am at home. | |
3. v. (copular) To be, constitute, make up, form. | |
Tuo on maanpetos. | |
That constitutes (high) treason. | |
4. v. (intransitive) ~ (olemassa) = to exist — the subject often indefinite = in partitive case -> verb in 3rd-pers. singular | |
Rakkautta ei ole (olemassa). | |
Love doesn't exist. | |
5. v. (intransitive) To behave, act (as if...) (when followed by a subordinate clause beginning with (ikään,) kuin, requiring conditional mood). | |
Hän oli (ikään), kuin ei olisi huomannut mitään. | |
He behaved as if he hadn't noticed anything. | |
6. v. To have (a verb to build active present perfect tense and active past perfect tense, taking active past participle, ending -nut/-nyt (singular) or -neet (pl.)). | |
Olen jo syönyt tänään. | |
I have already eaten today. | |
Olemme jo syöneet tänään. | |
We have already eaten today. | |
Olin jo syönyt. | |
I had already eaten. | |
Olimme jo syöneet. | |
We had already eaten. | |
7. v. To have (a verb to build impersonal simple past tense, impersonal passive present perfect tense and impersonal passive past perfect tense, taking passive past participle, ending -tu/-ty). | |
Aamiainen oli jo syöty. | |
Breakfast had already been eaten. | |
8. v. (intransitive) adessive + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive/accusative = to have; to own, to possess. | |
Minulla on/oli/on ollut kissa (nom.). (when in positive sentences, countable nouns in nominative) | |
I have/had/have had a cat. | |
Minulla ei ole kissaa (part.). (when in negative sentences, countable nouns in partitive) | |
I don't have a cat. | |
Minulla on/oli/on ollut sinut (acc.). (when in positive sentences, personal pronouns in accusative) | |
I have/had/have had you. | |
Minulla ei ole/ei ollut/ei ole ollut sinua (part.). (when in negative sentences, personal pronouns in partitive) | |
I don't have/didn't have/haven't had you. | |
Minulla on/ei ole rahaa (part.). (singular uncountable nouns in partitive in both positive and negative sentences) | |
I have/don't have money. | |
Minulla on valta (nom.). (with an uncountable noun in nominative, the meaning or nuance of the sentence changes:) | |
I've got the power. | |
9. v. (intransitive) missä + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive = there is / are + subject + where? | |
Pöydällä on kissa. (when in positive sentences, singular countable nouns in nominative) | |
There is a cat on the table. | |
Pöydällä ei ole kissaa. (when in negative sentences, singular countable nouns in partitive) | |
There is no cat on the table. | |
Pöydällä on/ei ole kissoja. (plural countable nouns in partitive in both positive and negative sentences) | |
There are (some) cats / There are no cats on the table. | |
Lattialla on/ei ole rahaa. (singular uncountable nouns in partitive in both positive and negative sentences) | |
There is (some) / There is no money on the floor. | |
10. v. (intransitive) genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + passive present participle, -tava/-tävä = to have to do something, must do something; be obliged/forced to do something. | |
Minun (gen.) on nyt mentävä. | |
I have to go now. | |
Minun on palautettava kirja kirjastoon perjantaihin mennessä. | |
I have to return the book to the library by Friday. | |
that same in passive: nominative/accusative + 3rd-pers. singular + passive present participle, -tava/-tävä = to have to be done, must be done. | |
Kirja (nom.) on palautettava kirjastoon perjantaihin mennessä. (countable nouns in nominative) | |
The book has to be returned to the library by Friday. | |
Onko sinut (acc.) hiljennettevä pakolla? (personal pronouns in accusative) | |
Do I have to make you shut your mouth? (literally: Do you have to be quietened by force?) |
pitää | |
1. v. To like, be fond of. | |
Minä pidän appelsiineista. | |
I like oranges. | |
~ + elative enemmän (kuin + elative) = to prefer something (to something), be fonder of something than of something. | |
Pidän omenoista enemmän kuin appelsiineista. | |
: I prefer apples to oranges. | |
2. v. To consider (to be), to assess, to see as | |
Minä pidän ihmisiä vihamielisinä | |
I consider people to be hostile. | |
3. v. genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + infinitive = to have (to do); (in conditional mood) should (do), ought (to do), be supposed (to do), would have (to do). | |
Sinun pitää mennä töihin. | |
You have to go to work. | |
Meidän pitäisi mennä töihin. | |
We should go to work. | |
4. v. To hold, grasp, grip. | |
Minä voin pitää laukkuasi. | |
I can hold your bag. | |
5. v. To hold onto. | |
Minä voin pitää laukustasi kiinni. | |
I can hold onto your bag. | |
6. v. To keep, take. | |
Pidän tämän sisiliskon. | |
I will keep this lizard. | |
7. v. To keep (an animal). | |
Korkeasaaressa pidetään monenlaisia eläimiä. | |
Many types of animals are kept in Korkeasaari Zoo. | |
8. v. Used in very many collocations with nouns, translated often into engage in, have, do, transact, pursue, conduct, carry out keep up, maintain, lead/teach etc. | |
Hän piti kuulustelua syytetylle. | |
S/he was conducting an interrogation of the accused. | |
Pidän SAP-kurssia. | |
I teach a SAP course. |
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