The Finnish word for to bend is

Translations for to bend and their definitions
taivuttaa | |
1. v. To make something curved, to bend. | |
2. v. To persuade or bend somebody to change their opinion or make up their mind for something. | |
3. v. To inflect (a word). | |
4. v. To conjugate (a verb). | |
5. v. To decline (an adjective / a noun). |
taipua | |
1. v. (intransitive) To become curved, to bend. | |
2. v. (intransitive) To change one's opinion due to external influence, to give in or bend. | |
3. v. (intransitive) To (be) conjugate(d). | |
Suomessa lähes kaikki verbit taipuvat säännöllisissä taivutusluokissa. | |
Almost all the Finnish verbs are conjugated in regular conjugations. | |
4. v. (intransitive) To be declinable. | |
Adjektiivi eri ei taivu. | |
The adjective eri is not declinable / is indeclinable. |
mutka | |
1. n. bend | |
2. n. curve (e.g. in road) | |
Hän menee mutkan taakse. | |
He is going behind the corner. | |
Hän on mutkan takana. | |
He is behind the corner. | |
Hän tulee mutkan takaa. | |
He is coming from behind the corner. | |
3. n. (plumbing) elbow (pipe fitting) | |
4. n. (slang) rod (gun, pistol). |
kaaret | |
1. n. plural of kaari |
sukeltajantauti | |
1. n. (dated) decompression sickness, bends |
kumartua | |
1. v. to bend over, stoop (to bend one's upper body or head forward and down) | |
2. v. to crouch (to bend servilely) |
tarkoitus | |
1. n. meaning | |
2. n. function, what something does or is used for. | |
3. n. purpose, end | |
Tässä tarkoituksessa olen perustanut Pelastakaa pingviinit -rahaston. | |
To this end, I have started the Save the Penguins Fund.. | |
4. n. (linguistics) skopos |
kääntää | |
1. v. | |
2. v. to turn | |
3. v. ~ ympäri: to tip, turn over, upend | |
Kun hän käänsi pullon ympäri nukkuvan siskonsa päällä, korkki pullahti irti. | |
When he upended the bottle over his sleeping sister, the lid popped off. | |
Kääntyä kyljelle | |
Turn to the side/ lie on your side. | |
4. v. to translate (from = elative, to = translative or illative) | |
Kirja käännettiin englannista suomeen. | |
The book was translated from English to Finnish. | |
5. v. (grammar) to invert (word order) | |
6. v. (computing) to compile | |
7. v. (colloquial) to steal |
parras | |
1. n. A brink, verge or edge. | |
tuhon partaalla | |
on the brink of destruction | |
olla haudan partaalla | |
to have one foot in the grave | |
to be on one's last legs | |
2. n. When used to express being very close to do something, about. | |
Hän oli itkun partaalla. | |
She was about to cry. | |
3. n. (nautical) A rail. |
kääntyä | |
1. v. (intransitive) | |
2. v. to change direction, turn, bend, shift | |
Käänny seuraavasta risteyksestä vasemmalle. | |
Turn (to the) left in the next crossroads. | |
Tie kääntyy jyrkästi oikealle. | |
The road bends sharply to the right. | |
Tuuli on kääntynyt itään. | |
The wind has shifted to the East. | |
3. v. to change; to take a different turn | |
Yhtäkkiä keskustelu kääntyi täysin toisenlaiseksi. | |
Suddenly the discussion took a completely different turn. | |
Onneni on kääntynyt. | |
My luck has changed. | |
4. v. to convert; to become a believer in a religion (to change religion) | |
Hän kääntyi kristinuskoon. (illative) | |
He converted to Christianity. | |
Hän kääntyi kristityksi. (translative) | |
He became a Christian. |
kytky | |
1. n. A bend, as any knot which joins the ends of two lines. |
suuntautua | |
1. v. (intransitive) To be directed towards. | |
2. v. (intransitive) To orientate oneself towards, orient oneself towards. | |
3. v. (intransitive) To be aimed at, be geared towards. |
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