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The Finnish word for can is


Translations for can and their definitions

     1. n. can
     2. n. canister (lightweight container)

     1. n. can (tin-plate canister for preserved foods)

     1. n. behind, bottom, backside, bum, can (buttocks)

     1. v. To can (to preserve).

     1. v. To reject, turn down (e.g. a plan).
     2. v. To refuse, turn away (e.g. a person proposing or somesuch).
     3. v. To abandon, desert, leave (e.g. one's spouse, child).
     4. v. To abandon, forsake (e.g. principles).
     5. v. To give up, dismiss (e.g. a thought).
     6. v. To fail, flunk (in a test at school).
     7. v. To dismiss, disallow, throw out (e.g. charges), to overrule (a protest at a court).
     8. v. To defeat (a law proposal).
     9. v. To disqualify (a sports result).

     1. v. To know how (to do something), can (do something).
           Osaatko sulkea tämän laitteen?
             Do you know how to switch this machine off?
     2. v. To know (usually a language).
           Osaatko italiaa?
             Do you know Italian?

     1. n. A watering can or watering pot.

     1. v. to get, receive
     2. v. saada tietää: to learn, find out, come to know
     3. v. to afford; usually in passive (to give forth; yield as natural result)
           Rypäleistä saadaan viiniä, oliiveista öljyä.
             Grapes afford wine, olives afford oil.
     4. v. to deserve
           Saisit hävetä!
             You deserve to be ashamed!
             You should be ashamed!
     5. v. may, to be allowed, to be permitted
     6. v. to make (to cause the direct object to be the subject of a verb)
           Saat minut nauramaan.
             You're making me laugh.
     7. v. (colloquial) to get laid (If the partner is mentioned, the partner is in the ablative case (equivalent to from))

     1. v. (intransitive) to feel, do
           Kuinka voitte?
             How are you doing?
     2. v. can, to be able to, to be capable
           En voinut olla nauramatta.
             I could not help laughing.
     3. v. (in the conditional mood) could
           Voisitko auttaa minua?
             Could you please help me?
           Voisin juosta, jos haluaisin.
             I could run if I wanted.
     4. v. may, to be allowed, to be permitted.
           Voinko avata ikkunan?
             May I open the window?

     1. v. (archaic) to cut, make a cut
     2. v. to be able to, can

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