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Translations for cast and their definitions

     1. cast (group of actors)

     1. v. To throw violently or forcefully (once); to hurl (once); to cast (once).

     1. v. to throw, cast
           heittää varjo
             to cast a shadow
     2. v. with ulos (out), to expel, e.g. from a party or meeting
     3. v. to give a ride (in a car)
           Voitko heittää minut kotiin?
             Can you give me a ride home?
     4. v. (intransitive) to be inaccurate or incorrect, to be off
           Arviosi heittää useilla vuosilla.
             Your estimate is off by several years.
     5. v. to abandon
           Työtämme ohjaa, meitä älä heitä! (from a hymn)
             Guide our work, do not abandon us!

     1. n. assembly
     2. n. (sports) squad
           Valmentaja on nimennyt kokoonpanon otteluun.
             The trainer has picked the squad for the match.

     1. n. facial expression, look, mien, appearance, countenance (features and expression of the face)
     2. n. air (feeling or sense)
           Haluan antaa sille taiteellisen ilmeen.
             I want to give it an air of artistry.

     1. n. mould or mold (hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance)
     2. n. cast (mould used to make cast objects)
     3. n. die
     4. n. form (thing that gives shape to other things as in a mold)

     1. n. stack
     2. n. anthill
     3. n. (computing) heap

laskea yhteen
     1. v. to add, sum

     1. v. To convert, transform.
           ~ euroja dollareiksi to convert euros to dollars
     2. v. third-person singular indicative present of muuntaa

     1. n. A cast (object made in a mould by pouring in liquid material (molten metal, plaster etc.), which then hardens); mould (something that is made in or shaped on a mould).

     1. n. partitive singular form of vala
     2. v. to cast, pour, throw (to pour liquid on something)
     3. v. to cast, mold (to make a cast using metal or plaster etc.)

     1. v. To look, have a look, take a look (+ at).
           Katsoin sitä.
             I looked at it.
     2. v. To watch.
           Katsoin elokuvaa.
             I was watching a movie. (incomplete action)
           Katsoin elokuvan.
             I watched a movie. (completed action)

     1. v. to compose, make, devise (to construct by mental labor; to think up)
           Puhuja laati puheensa edeltävällä viikolla.
             The orator composed his speech over the week prior.
           Olen laatinut suunnitelman/luonnoksen.
             I have made a plan/draft.

     1. n. pellet (compressed byproduct of digestion regurgitated by owls)

     1. v. To make something curved, to bend.
     2. v. To persuade or bend somebody to change their opinion or make up their mind for something.
     3. v. To inflect (a word).
     4. v. To conjugate (a verb).
     5. v. To decline (an adjective / a noun).

     1. v. To watch.

     1. v. To create.
           Alussa Jumala loi taivaan ja maan.
             In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Gen. 1:1)
     2. v. luoda lunta: To shovel snow.
     3. v. To shed.
           Lamppu luo sinistä valoa.
             The lamp sheds a blue light.
     4. v. To exuviate, slough, molt (to shed or cast off a covering, especially a skin); used always with an object that reveals what is being exuviated.
           Käärme alkoi luoda nahkaansa.
             The snake began to exuviate its old skin.
           Kun hummeri kasvaa, se luo kuorensa.
             As it grows, a lobster will exuviate.

     1. v. to read
     2. v. (obsolete) to count, still used in some expressions like mukaan luettuna, mukaan lukien

     1. n. flock (group of birds)
     2. n. muster (group of peafowl)
     3. n. kettle (group of flying hawks)
     4. n. swarm (group of insects)
     5. n. school (group of fish or marine mammals such as dolphins or whales)
     6. n. pod (group of marine mammals)
     7. n. gam (group of whales)
     8. n. cast (group of crabs)
     9. n. group, cluster
     10. n. (astronomy) cluster
     11. n. balcony, loft, gallery

     1. v. (nautical) to plumb, cast, fathom (to heave a lead and line in order to ascertain the depth of water)
     2. v. (nautical) to sound, fathom (to ascertain the depth of water by any method, in modern times normally with a sonar)
     3. v. to probe (to measure with a probe, especially from a distance, as with a space probe)

     1. n. throw, cast, shy (act of throwing)
     2. n. toss (throw with an initial upward direction, particularly with a lack of care)
     3. n. caprice (impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion)
     4. n. retort, riposte (quick response)

     1. v. To plan to do, intend to do, aim to do; to be going to do, will do.

     1. v. to vote
           Äänestin konservatiivia/liberaalia/oikeistolaista/vasemmistolaista/vihreätä.
             I voted for a Conservative/Liberal/Rightist/Leftist/Green.

     1. n. cast (casting procedure)
     2. v. indicative present connegative of valua
     3. v. second-person singular imperative present of valua
     4. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of valua

     1. v. (medicine) to splint (to fasten with a splint, like a broken limb)

     1. n. ejecta (something thrown or ejected, especially the material ejected from a volcano or impact crater)

     1. v. To undress, strip, take off.

     1. v. to lower, drop
     2. v. to put down, set down, lay down
     3. v. to lay (e.g. the foundation of sth)
     4. v. (with adverbs or verbs) to let
           laskea sisään = to let in
           laskea ulos = to let out
           laskea karkuun = to let escape
           laskea menemään = to let go (concretely; not in the sense to dismiss/give notice to/fire)
           laskea irti = to let loose
     5. v. ~ liikkeelle/liikkeeseen = to release, put into circulation, issue
     6. v. to (let) run, (let) flow
     7. v. to count, tally (the number of sth)
     8. v. to calculate, figure
     9. v. to lower (e.g. prices), to decrease (the amount of sth)
     10. v. (+ genitive-accusative + translative) to find, consider
           Lasken sen eduksi.
             I consider it an advantage.
     11. v. (intransitive) to fall, drop
     12. v. (intransitive) to lower (e.g. of prices), decrease (e.g. of the amount of sth)
     13. v. (intransitive) to slope down, descend, drop off
     14. v. (intransitive) to slide (down; by using some vehicle or instrument)
           laskea kelkalla mäkeä = to slide downhill with a sled
           laskea suksilla mäkeä = to ski downhill
     15. v. (intransitive) to flow to a larger body of water
           Mississippi laskee Meksikon lahteen.
             The Mississippi flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
     16. v. (intransitive) to set

     1. n. molding, casting (casting procedure)
     2. v. fourth infinitive of valaa in

heittää menemään
     1. v. to throw away
           En tarvinnut sitä enää, joten heitin sen menemään.
             I no longer needed it so I threw it away.

     1. n. feature (physical constituent)
     2. n. cast (visual appearance)
     3. n. trait (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend)

     1. n. cast (mould used to make cast objects)

     1. n. gypsum
     2. n. plaster of Paris
     3. n. (medicine) plaster cast

     1. v. To wrench, twist.

     1. n. strabismus, squint, cast

     1. v. To give a verdict.

     1. v. (intransitive) To conjure, perform magic tricks.
     2. v. ~ (esiin) = to conjure up.
           Taikuri taikoi esiin kaniinin.
              The magician conjured up a rabbit.
     3. v. To turn (into = translative; by using magic).
           Taikuri taikoi kaniinin sammakoksi.
              The magician turned the rabbit into a frog.

heittää pois
     1. to throw away
     2. to discard

     1. n. (medicine) splint
     2. n. spatula, scraper (kitchen tool)
     3. n. turner (kitchen tool)
     4. n. squeegee (window wiping tool)
     5. n. putty knife, spackle knife, scraper, spatula (construction tool)
     6. n. taping knife, joint knife (broad smoothing tool)
     7. n. partitive singular form of lapsi

     1. v. to cast a spell, enchant, incant

     1. v. To conjure.

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