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The Finnish word for cave is


Translations for cave and their definitions

     1. n. A cave (underground cavity big enough to enter, natural or man-made)
     2. n. A cavern (large cave)
     3. n. A grotto (small cave)

     1. v. To gnaw, eat away, wear (to destroy gradually as by taking tiny little bites).
           Reuma jäytää niveliäni.
             Rheumatism is wearing my joints.

     1. n. hole
     2. n. groove
     3. n. notch, indentation
     4. n. (scouting) den (place for scouts' weekly meetings)
     5. v. indicative present connegative of koloa
     6. v. second-person singular imperative present of koloa
     7. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of koloa

     1. v. indicative present connegative of varoa
     2. v. second-person singular imperative present of varoa
     3. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of varoa

antaa periksi
     1. v. antaa periksi
     2. v. (intransitive) To give up, give in, cave, surrender.
     3. v. To budge (to change one's opinion).
           Kun päätän jonkin asian, en anna periksi.
     4. v. * When I make up my mind, I won't budge.

     1. v. (intransitive) To crumble, fall, collapse, cave in.

     1. n. A cellar (underground space)

     1. n. A wing (animal appendage for flying).
     2. n. A wing (airplane part).
     3. n. A wing (part of building).
     4. n. A wing (fraction of political movement).
     5. n. A wing (slang: human hand).
     6. n. A sail (blade of a windmill).
     7. n. A blade or a paddle of a water wheel or a paddlewheel.
     8. n. A blade of a turbine or a propeller.
     9. n. A mood.
           olla siipi maassa (lit. to have a wing on the ground, as an injured bird may have)
              to be depressed

     1. v. to dig, dig up, dig out, excavate
           kaivaa ruumis esiin = to exhume a body
           kaivaa nenäänsä = to pick one's nose

     1. n. A small quiet spot; corner, nook.

     1. v. to break, break down, fracture, fall to pieces
     2. v. (figuratively) to break down, fall to pieces (to be emotionally devastated)
           Murruin, kun sain tietää äitini kuolleen tuona iltana.
             When I found out my mother had passed away that night, I fell to pieces.

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