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The Finnish word for to cut is

to cut

Translations for to cut and their definitions

     1. n. cut, cutting (act or result of cutting)
     2. n. (surgery) operation, surgery
     3. n. (surgery) perioperative (relating to the period around and during an operation)
             perioperative nurse
     4. n. (cinematography) editing
     5. n. (set theory) intersection

     1. n. incision, slash, cut, slit, gash (longish, straight, sharp-edged opening resulting from incising, cutting etc.)

     1. n. An incision or an incised wound.

     1. v. (intransitive) To snake.
     2. v. To zigzag

     1. adj. intoxicated, inebriated
     2. n. An intoxicated, inebriated person.
     3. Participle. past active participle of päihtyä

     1. adj. cut (having been cut).
           leikattu konjakki = cut brandy
     2. adj. Depending on usage, other English past participles may apply instead of cut.
           leikattu kissa = a fixed cat
           leikattu umpisuoli = an operated appendix
     3. v. past passive participle of leikata

     1. v. to cut (to perform an incision on; to divide with a sharp instrument; to separate from prior association; to remove and place in memory for later use; to reduce, especially intentionally; to form or s
     2. v. to incise (to cut in or into with a sharp instrument)
     3. v. to mow (to cut something down, especially grass or crops)
     4. v. to trim (to reduce slightly, especially, to remove excess)
     5. v. (medicine) to operate
     6. v. (film) to edit
     7. v. to fix (to render an animal infertile)
     8. v. to knife (to use a knife to cut)
     9. v. to knife (to cut through as if with a knife)
     10. v. (colloquial) adessive + 3rd-pers. sg: to get it
           Minulla ei leikkaa. = I don't get it.

     1. n. version

     1. v. past active participle of loukkaantua

     1. v. to lift, raise, elevate
     2. v. to hoist (to raise or lift to a desired elevation, e.g. sails or a flag)
     3. v. to push up
     4. v. to draw, withdraw (to extract money from an account)
     5. v. to take out (loan)
     6. v. (nautical) to haul (to sail closer to the wind)
     7. v. to harvest (something grown underground, such as potatoes)

     1. v. (intransitive) to cut in, jump the queue; also to butt, barge, bud, budge, ditch, break, short or push in the line or queue (to enter a line in the middle instead of the end of it)

     1. n. lift
     2. n. raise
     3. n. cash withdrawal
     4. n. (card games) cut

     1. v. To share; to distribute
           Jaa kakku! (a timeless classic) - Divide the cake!
     2. v. to mete out, dispense
     3. v. to divide
     4. v. to deal
     5. v. To separate

     1. n. engraving

     1. n. canal
     2. n. channel

     1. v. past passive participle of karsia

     1. n. piece, bit
           pala palalta = piece by piece, piecemeal
     2. n. lump, chunk
     3. n. block
     4. n. tablet, bar
     5. v. indicative present connegative of palaa
           (Minä) en/ (Sinä) et/ Hän ei/ (Me) emme/ (Te) ette/ He eivät pala.
             I/You/We/You/They don't / She/He doesn't burn.
     6. v. second-person singular imperative present of palaa
     7. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of palaa
           Älä pala!
             Don't burn!

     1. v. (slang) to skip, cut, bunk, skive, or ditch class (to play truant, not attend class).
     2. v. (slang) to avoid, shirk one's duties.

     1. n. (colloquial) cheating, swindle, spoof, deception (act of not keeping one's promise)
     2. n. (medicine) bypass

     1. n. share, part (of something)
           Kuka teille väitti, että minulla olisi mitään osuutta heidän kuolemaansa?
             Who told you that I had any part in their death?

     1. v.
     2. v. to cut, cut off, sever, split, disconnect
     3. v. to interrupt, cut short, break off
     4. v. to break (off) (e.g. a leg)
     5. v. to prune off, trim off, lop off
     6. v. to amputate
     7. v. ~ taival: to do/make a trip
           In that sense, used only with that noun.

     1. n. fireplace
     2. n. alternative form of biisi
     3. n. - + the suffix -si
     4. n. genitive singular form of pii + the suffix -si
     5. n. pii + the suffix -si

     1. n. (colloquial) song

     1. v. To catch.
     2. v. To stop by.
     3. v. (ice hockey) To hook (to engage in the illegal maneuver of hooking).
     4. v. (military) To leapfrog (to advance with one unit by engaging the enemy with another unit).

     1. v. To make smoother: grind, whet, hone
     2. v. To make sharper: grind, sharpen
     3. v. To sand
     4. v. To polish, hone, refine (plan, skill, etc.)
           Täytyy hioa suunnitelmaa sen verran tarkkaan, että se menee läpi missä vaan.
             Gotta polish off the plan good to some extent so that it'll work anywhere.
     5. v. To cut, facet (a gem)

     1. v. To wedge.
     2. v. To cut in (to a line or queue).

     1. n. stripe
     2. n. band
     3. n. track
     4. n. goat willow, Salix caprea
     5. n. (heraldry) bendlet

     1. n. piece, slice
           Syön viipaleen kakusta.
             I eat a piece of cake.

     1. n. slice

     1. n. wound, sore (injury, such as a cut, stab, or tear)
     2. n. ulcer; especially in compound terms, see e.g. mahahaava, , peptic ulcer, (m, fi, makuuhaava, , pressure ulcer)

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